reede, 30. august 2019

Crystal reiki

Dealing with someone's energy.

It is very important to stay motivated and always think of your work. If you are fully committed to your mission, you are able to handle tough relationships because you can always see them as part of your work.

It is not a problem the way you handle them, it is if you are able to stay true and committed to your work, working for the best possible outcome.

I would suggest to make strong commitments, but it is not an original thought, it comes from Teal Swan.

kolmapäev, 28. august 2019

Crystal meditation

What does it mean to meditate with crystals? It means to practice staying at certain inner wavelengths, while in tune with the telepathic intuitive signals coming from the stone that you are holding.

Each crystal stone has a natural ability to provide access to a certain wavelength within your mind and feeling body. When you hold it and touch it, you can use your psychic attunement to get to the same wavelength with the crystal.

Then, you watch your own thought patterns. Usually, you will start to get thoughts and signals about the state of certain function, functionality of your auric field. Such as: "This part of you is busy with the following (thought)".

Then, when healing, we start to access these signals that we are getting. We start to see these thought pattern energies vibrating and rising, as we tune in to them. We help it to rise.

Now, with our thoughts and also speech, when the client is listening, we describe the energies in full detail in an understandable language to the client. We also provide translation to the next realm of the area, a better attunement, the healthier state of the area.

As the client hears the speech, it helps the auric energy field to correct itself. It is alive and conscious, and it starts to figure out itself according to the heard information. It becomes more conscious of itself, as the client becomes more conscious of the area, thanks to the heard speech.

teisipäev, 27. august 2019

strange direction to shorter one... invisible cloak

Safe allowing experience for the souls to come through.
// We have all been travelling, some longer distances, some shorter ones. We now choose to provide such a space, where change is not forced onto individual.

In India, there is this natural ability to go anti-clockwise. What I mean is that the world can work in a different way as well.. people are warm in the heart.. so it kind of has this natural tendency to go soft.

We can feel safe in the allowance of Earth, for she provides this kind of heartful trips and natural abilities to people. If your heart rhytm is safe enough, she can guide you without being seen and show you the next location.

If you are happy inside, you can feel it.

Child destroys altar

Child destroys altar - horrible nightmare.

It was clearly shown that we cannot be at peaceful ignorance, that we must constantly watch out for unknown. The energy is kind of swirly, spinning, white light coming towards our creation. Too close to us for this to be in this world. Instant contact

Energies at Chaotic Random; which means constant re-use of Crystal energies in a different Way, this means, we are not used to this Close Contacts Often, but we can switch. It is not that hard to read them, it is more than that that it is willing to come to us at close range and wishes to Inform us with something powerful.

We have somehow managed to set Deliberate Freedom (I have no idea what I'm talking about), this just came, we are kind of always in the middle of this. Freedom, Joy, Excitement. Whoa, what has just been happening?

We learn to play with this, always withdrawing to such a place of frequency, where we are still in contact with the Familiar. Too much Joy and Unknown recently, it is like Constant Adventure Trip again for me.

And even more than this, more beings wish to participate. We have quickly set the damaged areas in such away, that the harmed or harmful aspects can peacefully ground and safely reload, to inform us about the Further Communication. 

I am invited to such a peaceful state of being, I am now even allowed to Heal and Talk about it. This is like the space where I am in where I am when nobody is around; and the outer layers of my auric fields are usually filled with something like the text above, attempting to translate/inform/include. So it turns out we are in a spot or place where we receive information... a lot. Hmm, a number of people want us to be in such a spot, naturally cause they have to give out some. A good listener is a good thing to hold here.

neljapäev, 22. august 2019

Õnnelik ja elus

Minu töö on kristallidega mediteerida, ma olen nii õnnelik ja elevil seda teades ja kuuldes. Minu eluülesanne rullub minu enese sees lahti, iga kord kui ma sellele mõtlen, täitub mu süda rõõmuga.

Kristallid õpetavad mulle, kuidas need lained voogavad, iga kristall tervendab erinevaid mõttemustreid.

teisipäev, 20. august 2019

Nobody knows

Deep galactic portal needs to re-open.
- We are insecure about our financial situation.
Open your hearts and follow the Galactic Embracement of the Milky Way.
- The soulcloud needs to continue.
In which direction?
- However you feel - Zen, the Golden Art of Exploration.
In deep wisdom and love, how would you wish for the things to go and develop?
- Soft embracement of the divine feminine.
Ok, we are fun.
- Risky.
Add at least something professional, please!
- Ok.
We are currently doing the work of your generation.
- But those who are open up?
Follow the Galactic Commands..
- At least something useful in this portal..

laupäev, 17. august 2019


Pidev hirm on..
- See katus võib iga hetk kokku kukkuda.
See katus võib iga hetk läbi kukkuda.
- Taamalt paistab...
Suur soe... suur susi. Piilub akna vahelt.
- Mis me teeme?
Hirmul, paanikas.
- Äkki selle mättaga saab toestada?
Ma ei julge välja minna.
- Nojaa aga kui see sein peaks kukkuma?
Arvad, et ta kukub?
- Nojah, niisama ei tohi ju olla veel..
Oleme lihtsalt ohtlikus piirkonnas.
