neljapäev, 30. august 2018


Kus on ikka mingi asi mis kriibib hinge ja veel ei tohi märkida neid üles endale. Enda jaoks on mul mitu kirja valmis, ent sinule pole ma veel ühtegi saatnud.

Olete oodatud... ent ma ei taha ei suuda seda veel öelda. Ikkagi hea inimene ju ja mis ta küll nüüd võib öelda... ?

Olen käsikirjas närviline ja ometi on ettekanne tubli... Ma ei tohiks paluda, aga ma tahan teada.

On palju asju mis vajab välist käsku. Kui eesriie langeb on show alanud. Kahju ainult et sedapidi siis väliselt.

Nad ei tohiks veel koormata endid üleliigsete liigutustega... näe, too harjutab seal. Kui välistel märkidel on veel tähendust, siis üldse mitte see...

Nüüd ta algab. Ongi vähe. Ongi raske tulla.

Ongi sulle, et suur asi. Muud midagi. Läksite heasse hoogu. Laine kandku, parim isa, etc. Etendusel viivitada. Ma kohe näitan sulle.

Kui tohib, tutvustaksin sulle.

teisipäev, 28. august 2018

New game

The New Holocaust: 2005: Hell Emerges

"We had to shoot these local people from helicopters. Those damn small people, just laying on the ground, dying."

              - Patrick Pharmasan, PhD, Expert

"Then we had to land. Local people. Damn sure. Such a small kin. We had to shoot them from air. Now when we land, they show great respect to us. They wanna see my huge gun."

              - Daniel Wasserkhall, Wednesday

"We go to jungle. This guns like disappear. Those evil people take us into prison. We are kept in wooden cage. The witch approaches me. She had to kill me with her spirit, we had to drink the poison she was boiling."

- Alexander Hefresch, NGO, Nuclear Wisdom

"We were lying there down in cage, with our guns taken by their magic. They were destroying our spirit with causing this harmful energy.. we just felt to be emptied by those dark shadows cast by them."

           - Wask, Neptune

These beings were kept in this jungle, tortured, just because they had to shoot locals from a helicopter. Their guns were taken. This is a prequel to their hell story.

These men had no idea about this witchcraft they will go through. The evil's touch had been layed upon them.

esmaspäev, 27. august 2018

meile tuldi

Aga miks need Orioni omad siia neid kampe ehitavad?
- Eks ikka selleks et blokkida meie imearmast 4. dimensiooni.
Kas kuluvad ära ka raha?
- Raha, süütunne ja häbi.
Kuidas nende energia mõjub?
- Nagu mäda süütunne oleks ümberringi.
Kas nad ka tahavad palju süüa?
- Proovisin juurikaid pakkuda.
Kuidas nende maailm välja näeb?
- Meie mõistes nagu taandarenenud koobas või mülgastik.
Kuidas nad siia planeedile üldse tulid?
- Tulid suure mäda ja võika öise Orioni halvaende vallutusretke käigus.
Kuidas nad armastusse suhtuvad?
- Nad vihkavad lapsi.
Miks nad siin veel on?
- Kuna nad loodavad meestele veel halba mürki keeta.
Ongi kõik. Ok. Aitäh, tsau.


Why do wasps keep attacking our family?

There have been many incidents when they come too close to us. Uncontrollable animal, this insect. If you hit it, it keeps following you. It is a dangerous animal, this wasp. Looks like they are guarding some areas, where we might not be welcome anymore. We don't know much yet about this animal.

Now, on another topic, who has been stealing our flowers?

We have many flowers in our garden. Yet some of them have been stolen. Do you have any idea who might be behind this? We went to look and we could hear someone's steps behind the bushes, but when we went there, there was nobody there.

We would like to have answers about these questions. We don't feel that we are anymore welcome in this nature.

pühapäev, 26. august 2018

Mis ma olen teinud

Millegipärast jäi talle viimasest lahkumisest väga hea tunne sisse. Tavaliselt haige, valuhoogudes, vihane, ärritunud või kergesti ärrituv aura oli asendunud turvalise ja sooja südamliku armastava tundega, naisest justkui hoovas kaitstud rünnakuvalmis stabiilsust.

Oli näha, et tegu oli edasiliikuva inimesega, välismaailma keskkond häiris vähem, mingisugune turvaline jõud hoidis nüüd südant sünkroonses rütmis. Olevat olnud ärrituspõhine keskkond. Mingil põhjusel ei olnud sisendav rahu toiminud, emotsionaalsed haavad olid kuhjunud, lahendust leidmata oli leitud end üha uutes ja uutes konfliktides.

Valu, appikarje, - löök ei ole siinkohal tervendus. Rütmist väljatoomiseks on inimese jaoks olemas ka muid lahendusi. Šokki uue šokiga ravida ei pruugi olla tark. Nii mitmelgi põhjusel on antud mõista, et pole võimalik edasi liikuda, kuna süda vajab enam tähelepanu, on veel liiga valus. Hitler oma abivägedega oleks kindlasti purjetanud Puhta Tõeni, ent ühel põhjusel jäi see ära. Miks ma sellest räägin? Kuna see on väga oluline.

Nimelt ei suudetud silmitsi seista oma sisemise lapsega. Abivajav karjuv süda, ärritunud emotsionaalne keha, kõik justkui karjub eirab: sellel pole mitte mingisugust pistmist lapsega! See on viimane asi, kuhu tahetakse jõuda. Seda blokitakse iga hinna eest, selle nimel ollakse valmis tapma, et hoida ära kohtumist omaenda lapseliku loomusega. Miks? Kuna kardetakse seda valu, häbi, mis seal esialgu võib olla, mida on tulnud tunda.

Südamlik vabadus ei tähenda ahistatud kohustust kaasinimene tappa, otse vastupidi. Miks ma sellest räägin? Kuna me ei saanud sealt edasi. Südamlik vabadus tähendab, et sa saad aru teise inimese valust, olles ise stabiilne. Oletame et mind häirib sinu juures miski. Kui ma su tapan, jääb see valu mõistmata. Miks see inimene mind häiris? Liiga hilja, ta on juba surnud.

Miks sõduril mõnikord kaob ära emaliini toetus? Kuna tal ei tohi seda olla, ta peab olema julge. Kui aga sõda on läbi, ei tohiks ju olla probleemi omaenese kodumaale andeks anda. Mille peale me vihastasime?

neljapäev, 23. august 2018

Quite an important shift on Earth

It's an interesting era on a planet that's waking up. You are currently aligning with the Higher Self network, according to your previous lifetimes.

Millions of you have been assisting on millions of similar cases on other planets, star systems, and/or galaxies. We are familiar with how we do our work.

I have been asked especially to provide information about the shift from 3rd dimension to 4th dimension. What is currently happening?

Most humans on planet Earth are in 3rd-dimensional physical bodies, with the consciousness and awareness of 4th-dimensional and higher aspects of themselves. It is locked because you wouldn't know how to use it, it would simply not yet fit to the current world, that has been very carefully planned and orchestrated. As you automatically link in to the Higher Self network, you will easily understand about this shift in your own consciousness and of the planet's.

What's new this time about this shift is that it is quite huge. About 13,000 years ago male violence caused the grid to collapse in a drastic way, leading humans to tough exploration of individuality. What happened?

It was the crash we now know as Atlantis Crash. The timelines were very harshly separated, and you no longer had this support from 4th dimension and higher realms. Why was this done?

Because of intergalactic wars on the 5th-dimensional plane and higher, even up to attacking our galaxy center, you had to cause this. I believe this was also to protect the Planet Earth on Milky Way.

The galactic night on Earth is about 13,000 years. The galactic day is also about 13,000 years. About 26,000 years ago, this planet was attacked badly. The wrong extra-terrestrial forces came here and took over badly. This was not how it was supposed to go. We felt it very wrong. It was an higher level attack.

What then happened with Atlantis crash, these dimensions were now separated to cleanse harsh to protect. Interdimensional wisdom was brought in, hidden, cleansed, doing it's work.

I personally as a soul came to Mother Earth about 15,000 years ago. Before training a few years on our sistering higher level star system, the Pleiades.

My task was to protect the 4th dimension during the last 15,000 years here. We had to go in and protect. Now that it is safer, the galaxy is no longer in danger, we can a little bit adjust our work. I have been asked: Why are you so protective?

People feel some kind of harsh mystery behind this. Well, as a soul I am quite young and new here etc. Yet I am aware of my work. Look at the evolutionary lines of humans. We would not open it if it wasn't the correct time.

Tibet has been doing it's work. Very old wisdom was brought in. The protectors can now openly speak if they wish. The galaxy is safe. Different starlight heritage has been brought in throughout the centuries.

Mayans, Pleiadese, many other. It is just that it is now opening up. We have now the chance to restore the connection between Human Earth and our higher-dimensional extraterrestrial selves.

The shift will be guided naturally. It will be easier this time. No longer war nor takeover! Pachakaya has been waiting for this. Huge cleansing in the cosmos has been taking place. No more intergalactic war here!

So, what is instead of this war? There will be beautiful creation and freedom. You are encouraged to do art and much more, you are guided to your own higher evolution, fully in synchronation with your own highest good. The shift will be benevolent. The galactic law of love needs to be passed! :)

The Photon Belt holds spiritual and soulful information for many of you. It has absolutely nothing to do with nuclear weapons. The interplanetary concept will be held safe. For your own spritual evolution, you can imagine a beautiful world full of love joy and laughter unfolding. Pachakaya is free now! :)

Nothing compared to this shift has been ever shown before in the cosmos. This is what we are all panicking about! This is such a huge event and all brand new!

I have been shown the 5th-dimensional grid dream-plan for few seconds. This is extraordinary. We ourselves dream-program this! Currently thru computers. Think about the cutest computer game you know. Then imagine it unfolding thru Facebook into real life among humans for example ;)

Sexuality will open up to our Highest Natural Selves. What is it? This is a 4th-dimensional subject that is very easy to handle. The restoration of the harmonious grid will simply take some time :D

In full glory we can accept the starlight! Hold your ground! Sons of Rohan, my brothers! For all that you hold dear on this good Earth (yes this was the real code sent to lightwarriors omg)


laupäev, 18. august 2018

Kuni saab korda. Tähevalguse mets

Tähevalguse mets.

Mets mis ühendab maakera tajuvälju ja läheb ühtlasi ka läbi kogu linnade. Mets, mille abil suudame taas suhelda inimlikul kombel, tugevust valgust ja tervendust toov. Mets on elus, metsal on vägi, mets on teadlik.

Ühendloov elav hingav loodus on hea ja seda on lihtne armastada, sellega on kerge suhelda. Kui ühes maakera osas on mingi asi katki, suhtleb mets kui tajuväli selle edasi kuni see saab korda.

Hingamise abil saavutatud tasakaal kandub inimeselt inimesele läbi metsa, läbi ühendatud loomuliku välja. Mets hingab läbi tähevalguse, on elus.

Ühendvälja taastudes tekib hea võimalus saavutada senisest veelgi parem kontakt.

reede, 17. august 2018

Humans on Earth

Trying to make the most out of this identity.. being born into human body..

We need to take the maximum of this opportunity. What are you? What will you really do with your life?

Each lifetime you have different opportunities. You are now born into another timeline, you now exist in another form. You grow in a different environment now. What will you choose this time?

I see starseeds realizing their opportunities on this very ground of Planet Earth. Some of them are from so very far, from stars and planets that don't even have a name here. But we can feel how they use their energy, we can see which options they choose. They are open and allowing, and highly sensitive to dimensional requests.

I see people of Earth as a very helpful kin. Existing in another vibration, I usually have the protection field: most humans have been very helpful to me.

In our own way, we are now together realizing a very simple truth. The next era has two different states of being that were not here before: Unity Consciousness and Divine Love.

This means we are now acting within tune with each other, co-operation between different tribes becomes important. Instead of having to fight out our real identities, we are being naturally pulled towards our Hearts and understanding of each other thru emotions.

This will happen naturally and in great care. The more closer we get to our Hearts, the more natural and allowing the timelines will be. We have a rough night behind our backs. Many of us were under strict male order, in wars, high-level business places, jobs that required intense pressure. You will feel how important these things were.

Humans are very natural masters of portals, keepers of the energy flow. What comes to Earth, comes to you. Thanks to humans the cosmos can understand itself, what it is doing on this outer arm of Milky Way.

Outside of this Galaxy there are many people waiting for you. Choosing timelines for high-level upliftment.

We are happy to have you on this planet. Don't accuse yourselves so much, it's a cosmic thing. More like a child-birth to new era. You wouldn't accuse the Child who is being born, no?

But let me be even more clear and specific. Very soon you yourself will have the ability to choose your own timelines according to your highest good.

The quarantine is over, the wars have been fought. You can just exist now with out high-level pressure. Very soon you might want to do something with your life. Thank you for choosing to keep these portals as a living example of humanity during these tough times. You have been incredible.

esmaspäev, 13. august 2018


"Restore the Health of the Being" on ikka väga hull.
- Sa mõtled selle puuga seoses?
Ma mõtlen ka üldiselt inimese psüühilist alateadvust siin planeedil.
- Siin mitu võtet mida rakendatakse nii meie peal kui ka meie teiste inimeste/hulkade peal?
- Sul olevat olnud mingi võimas kodumaagia millest sa ise teadlik polnud?
Tuleb nii välja. Ma üldiselt vaatasin seda kui rahustavat stseeni. Nüüd siis laps üldiselt ei taha neid muide enam, ütleb et aeg on liikuma hakata. Ei talu neid stseene kus me pole teiste väljas.
- Sul siis anne end peita?
Mm rohkem nagu teise dimensiooni lähme kus hullult üksi ja kedagi pole. Rohkem nagu sealt siis üritame.
- See raske?
See on hull ses suhtes et nagu ei kuulu kuhugi.
- Nad kardavad su "haigust"?
Olevat nõrk mõju niigi halvas kohas...
- Su auraväli "vilets"?
Majanduslik segadus tavaline. Nimelt aeglustab kiirendab teatud rütme.
- Sünkroniseerite veel?
Sobitume.. loome nagu sujuvamalt.. veits vähem tohiks näha olla vist ju.
- Mida väldite?
Kuulsust nähtavust.. edevusega juba suht ok vist.
- Turvalisuse põhjustel siiski nähtavus?
Jah kui pole enam liiga ohtlik.
- Hea märk olevat hea inimene nähtaval?
Seda veel raske saavutada.
- Mõtle jah kui nt Trumpi asemel keegi Sri Patabhi Jois vms..
Pigem jah nad esialgu varjus.
- Kas juhtub midagi varsti?
Ei saa avalikult teha kuna halb olla.
- Süsteem liiga pekkis?
Keskmine inimene Pachakayal vist haige ja põletikus, ärritunud. Miks?
- Kuna autosid palju?
Hmm paus..

Orioni võlu

"... patakad said tühjaks ja mu lamp ei säranud enam. Liikusime mööda mäekülge alla."
Kolmandalt korruselt paisis tubakat suitsetanud mehe nägu. Kare, viltune, veidi joonud. Tumeda trepikoja keskmine vari mõjus õudselt ja jubedalt, justkui oleks seal läheduses väga ammu äratatud mingisugune iidne tont. Koputasime uksele. Tehti lahti.
"Kas Ramadan?" ## vt. social creativity
Mees juhatas meid elutuppa. Seinad olid täidetud rohelises köites raamatutega. Mees võttis esimese ettejuhtuva ja hakkas lugema, laual põles vana vahaküünal oma hõbedases võikuses, kunagised hiilgeajad ammu viltuseks tardunud.
"Kas Kosovo oli või ei olnud osa orjastatud planeedist? Seda me ei tea."
Teame vaid, et kui hakata lugema, tekib õhku teatud mustjas väärkiht salajasi õpetusi, mis katavad ümbritsevate inimeste aura musta vihmasajuga. Teadsime, et see on tähtis, see hetk on tähtis. Tol silmapilgul sain aru, tundsin selgesti, kui väga ta pidi vihkama ülejäänud tähistaevast ja armastama minu, pooleldi kootud...
    ent uinusime magama.

Kui ärkasime, oli mees püsti tõusnud ja vaatas vihaselt, pooleldi justkui midagi otsides hämaras tumedas toas ringi. Ta leidis köite nimega TRUE mille ülejäänud tähed olid kuidagi kadunud, varisenud põrmu, musta hauataolisse sügavikku raamaturiiuli all.
Ta hoidis seda hetke ja proovis lahti lasta, ent ei suutnud. TRUE oli talle liiga kallis.
Unustasime selle vahejuhtumi. Nüüd puuris neetud lapseohtu käitumisega mees meid pingsalt silmadega.
"Kas Sa varastasid mu auto?" oli tema esimene küsimus.
"TRUE" vastasin.
Mees kukkus minestuse äärel musta hauataolisse sügavikku raamaturiiuli all. Mänguklotsid ragisesid, murdusid, ent ei pidanud mehe rasket keha kuigi kaua kinni. Oiates veeres ta põrandale.

"Olite sattunud Orioni," teatas kellegi rõõmus ent võigas naishääl ukse kohalt. Jooksime. Pimedas toas käisid meie jalad justkui all ringi, päev ja öö vaheldusid, ent meie jooksime ikka pimedas toas kohapeal ringi. Lõpuks ütles nõiduse lausunud naine: "Aitab."

Põrandas avanes luuk mille kaudu kukkusime alla keldrisse. Siin mudases tiigipõhjas vaatasime veidi ringi. Olevat olnud mingi vana portaali keskkoht. Nüüd sünkroniseerusime ülejäänud tähistaevaga. Tiigi kaldal kasvanud orhidee oli alles. Puude vahelt paistsid kellegi pea, jalad, käed. Sul olid sinised silmad. "Joonista mulle korraks see tähekaart."

Teadsin, et mees hakkab paukuma, plõksima, tungib meile kallale, ent seda ei juhtunud. Ta oli lihtsalt puude vahel kinni. Mängu viga.
Vaatasime ahastunult, kuidas tiik tühjeneb ja selle keskel on püsti mingisugune must ora. Puud kooldusid selle poole nagu mingisuguses vanas leinamarsis.
"Vaevalt et keldrisse siitkaudu tagasi."

Mees oli end vahepeal puude tagant rägastikust välja rabelenud ja hakkas meie poole tulema.
"Olen Orioni," lausus ta. "Mäletate mind?"
"Ei mäleta," kähvas keegi vanaeit. Mehe silmad uduse muutusid ja ta hakkas kurbusesse vajuma, lahustuma. "Ära seda tee!" hüüdis keegi. Õnneks polnud palju puudu. Mees siiski lahustus ja võttis uduse, kogumilaadse ebamäärase valguskeha. Siia-sinna kostev tume irvitus ei lasnud teda minna.

Taganesime tiigi keskosasse ja saime musta oraga surmavalt nõelata. Olime nüüd üleni lahustunud suurde valgusesse, laiahaardelisse kõikmatusse. Enam iialgi ei võta me ette Orioni trippi.

esmaspäev, 6. august 2018

Why no yoga why no heart

It's just that it splits apart these two realities.
- So that the previous one kind of has to run in panic to catch you now after the split?
Well it feels this way. They get emotionally triggered for some reason if they feel something else approaching their field .
- You think it might be too fast or a lot?
It's like on those levels the previous one doesn't even exist. So maybe the feeling body of the previous one is now afraid of it's survival? Why else is the panic triggered?

It is triggered for the following reasons:

1. Fear
2. Shame
3. Insecurity (leading to panic)

It is impossible to do it.

So to conquer these three?
- Well it's tough. Where is your comfort zone? How much are you willing to risk? (Don't go beyond this border (someone else's life because of your deeds etc))
Remain good intented if you are afraid. This way it is more likely for the outcome to be ok.

So I am not allowed in the Heart chakra?
- Yes.

And you know why. Because others are elsewhere. It is also a collective chakra. You need to wait or figure out how to integrate with others.

- Or the panic will split too fast again?
Well this time it might be smarter but who knows. Don't touch the pain. Just stop it. It is too much, the emotional.

reede, 3. august 2018

Cover up

Then why are they so aware of the spiritual wisdom over here?

-It is because they have a huge source of light. It is pulling them towards the energy of spiritual wisdom. They seek for it, you know.

So the one of weak will has to abandon it's base before the wisdom seekers come in?

-It is not the most pleasant thing to meet them directly. For both parties, it might be a bit awkward, too much true connection.

This is why lying is important?
- We are hiding. Lies might cover.

Do you think any form of lying is good?
- It usually protects you from something deeper more real and dangerous.

- Truth can be very harsh. Yet Gandhi says this is it.

Do you think humor is important?
- I think it's a very fine quality.

Joyous child etc, all part of this reality :)

neljapäev, 2. august 2018

Õõvastav seiklus

- Ta jah siis jälestab neid maanteid veel.
Öeldaksegi ju et kihutamine olevat tsivilisatsiooni taandareng.
- Ja kõige lõpus?
Noh seal juba ootab Pahandus. Maantee ju praeguse seisuga viivatki Pahanduseni.

- Pahandus siis kena naine?
Väga ilus jah aga noh lõpetab su piinad aegamisi. Pole kahjuks parata. Autod väga kuri siinkohal.
- Kas seda mängu siis kuidagi ümber ei anna teha?
Oleme proovinud. Saime disklahvi Riigilt.
- Riik siis seksuaalobjekte väärtustav kultus?
Kultus jah siis et kõik peavad uskuma et nii ongi õige.

Kui tekib mäss või mingi muu kõrvaline sündmus?
- Paraku jah siis need endised ajaliinid jäävad unarusse ja tõttame uude.
Olen kuulnud Teid kommenteerimas "... dimensioonivahetus - asjad on justkui "nihkes""?
- See on jah vist siis kuri nali?
Mitte sugugi. Nad soovivadki sinna.
- Hälbesse?


No oletame et üks vana laev on juba väga mäda... võite peale hakata tulema... algul keegi ei tea et mäda.. teate küll neid lugusid.. Tulge jah peale..ei ole halvaendeline kusjuures.. vanad lauad väga mädad jah..

Poole tee peal siis plaanis uputada see võigas alus nagunii.. ühe teatud kaljusaare lähedal..kes ujub välja see ujub..Sealgi vastavad meetmed juba ootamas..Guantanamo Bay etc..noh seekord ujume nagu võttegrupiga sinna suunas mitte vastupidi..

Noh et Bin Laden panigi põhja siis onju..
- Ta jah siin järve all vist kusagil..
Vaadake jah üle oma alateadvus..

Kena kniks. Tänud!