Why do wasps keep attacking our family?
There have been many incidents when they come too close to us. Uncontrollable animal, this insect. If you hit it, it keeps following you. It is a dangerous animal, this wasp. Looks like they are guarding some areas, where we might not be welcome anymore. We don't know much yet about this animal.
Now, on another topic, who has been stealing our flowers?
We have many flowers in our garden. Yet some of them have been stolen. Do you have any idea who might be behind this? We went to look and we could hear someone's steps behind the bushes, but when we went there, there was nobody there.
We would like to have answers about these questions. We don't feel that we are anymore welcome in this nature.
Herilane ütles sulle, et tema oli siin enne. Et see on parasjagu tema õun või pesa. Aga kui sa neid tasakesi vaatad, siis ei tule nad kallale.
VastaKustutaLilled :) mina arvan, et need on lihtsalt sellised imeilusad õied, mis teevad paljudele rõõmu. Rõõmusta siis, et keegi põõsastest sai samuti ilu osaliseks. Ta lihtsalt ei osanud veel neid kasvama jätta. Nii nagu herilased ei oska veel aru saada, et õunu võib jagada :)