esmaspäev, 14. detsember 2015

Meanwhile at Kristiine // Mis vahepeal Kristiines juhtub

This I wrote two or three days ago in the security room at Kristiine while working

So today I was again working at the mall and suddenly there was this lady coming out from the ILU shop and making a silent gesture to me to follow her into the shop.

"There's a thief at the shop," she said. "Come quickly," she continued with a whispering tone. So I followed her into the shop and there was another lady standing there. The shopkeeper woman told me that this lady had again stolen something and that she was an old thief who was well-known to them. She said that they had seen the theft from their own cameras this time.

So I simply stand there next to them and call the security room. Another guy comes down and then another and then they escort her to a room where she is supposed to be searched through. I follow them and they search her bags in that room but find nothing. But they had seen the theft from the local cameras so they remain suspicious and the older guy takes her to the main punishment room or corridor - first to corridor and later to the arrest chamber. That's all I know. Later I hear that she had indeed stolen something because the police arrives and everything. I personally walk through the whole building and back again to hand the police the proper stealing form or protocol.

I hear some new intel about this and it turns out that she had simply removed the security element from a product. I think that I am supposed to get a bonus for helping to catch her. There's a rule here that goes like this: Every time something gets stolen, half of the item's price gets shared among the security guys who caught the thief. Because of this rule there's a lot of false alarms but it's part of the game and it's good to see the old man and everybody getting really enthusiastic and running when there's a possible theft somewhere in the building.


Selle ma kirjutasin paar-kolm päeva tagasi turvaruumis, samal ajal kui ma Kristiines töötasin

Nii et täna ma olin jälle kaubamajas ja järsku seal oli üks naine kes tuli ILU kauplusest välja ja tegi sõrmega vaikse märgi et ma talle poodi järgneksin.

"Poes on varas," ütles ta. "Tule kiiresti," sosistas ta vaikselt. Nii et ma läksin tema järel sinna poodi sisse ja seal oli üks teine naine veel kes parasjagu seisis. Poepidaja-naine ütles mulle et see naine oli järjekordselt midagi varastanud ja et ta oli tegelt vana varas kes oli neile hästi teada. Ta ütles et nad olid vargust seekord oma kaameratest näinud.

Nii et ma lihtsalt seisan seal nende kõrval ja kutsun turvaruumi. Järgmine tüüp tuleb alla ja siis veel üks ja nad viivad ta ühte ruumi kus peaks toimuma läbiotsimine. Ma järgnen neile ja nad otsivad ta kotid läbi aga ei leia midagi. Aga nad olid vargust reaalselt oma kaameratest näinud, nii et nad endiselt kahtlustavad ja see vanem tüüp viib ta peamisesse karistusruumi või koridori - esmalt koridori ja hiljem arestikambrisse. See on kõik mis ma tean. Hiljem ma kuulen et ta tõepoolest oli midagi varastanud, sest saabub politsei ja puha. Ma jalutasin isiklikult läbi terve ehitise et viia politseile vajalik vorm varguse kohta (protokolli).

Hiljem ma sain selle kohta rohkem teavet ja tuli välja et ta oli lihtsalt ühelt tootelt turvaelemendi eemaldanud. Ma arvan et ma seaks saama boonust selle eest et ma aitasin teda kinni püüda. Siin on selline reegel, et iga kord kui midagi varastatakse, läheb pool varastatud toote hinnast turvade vahel jagamisele. Sellise reegli pärast on siin palju valehäireid aga see on osa mängust ja mõnikord on täitsa tore näha vana meest ja teisi entusiastlikult ringi jooksmas kui kusagil ehitises on toimunud võimalik vargus.

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