esmaspäev, 14. detsember 2015

Tourist-catching and more in Pushkar // Pushkaris turiste püüdmas

So at Aravali there's sometimes a lot of pressure that I should really get them some tourists - why are there no tourists, Taavi, where should we get the money?? But I cannot really lie to myself and tell Ravi that it is not really in my interest to drag tourists there against their will. So sometimes we argue about this, especially when Ravi is in a desperate need for money and I am in a desperate need for rest.

So many times he sends me out to the town, with the intention that I should go and fetch some tourists for them. But to be honest - and I feel that now I can tell it, even though Ravi will probably read this - I simply wonder around and mostly talk to the locals or sit down and meditate.

The lake is still drawing be back to herself and I cannot help but to thoughtfully daydream and walk back there, it's like my heart and my legs want to go back there by themselves, the memories are still there deep within the body and there's a deep attraction or draw back to that lake.

Many things happened there, but for now I am not yet really capable of perhaps integrating too much of it, but as I get stronger and more confident and all I will go deeper into this, also the causal things and how I break an ancient spell of the priests at the lake.

But I don't know... something inside me tells me that it is not yet the time to reveal this, I have a lot of pain in my heart, especially on the left side, and this would probably be too much integration, more that would be healthy for me to handle. I would rather focus on real-life issues in Tallinn at the moment unless I get some real support in this or I get stronger by myself through yoga.


Aravalis on mõnikord palju survet, et ma peaks tõesti minema ja reaalselt neile hakkama turiste püüdma - miks ei ole turiste, Taavi, kust me peaks raha saama?? Aga ma ei saa iseendale valetada ja Ravile öelda et tegelt ei ole minu huvides sinna turiste vastu nende enda tahtmist vedada. Nii et mõnikord me vaidleme selle üle, eriti kui Ravil on raha otsas ja mina olen väga väsinud.

Nii et mitu korda ta saadab mind linna peale, eesmärgiga et ma läheks ja tooks talle turiste. Aga et olla aus - ja ma tunnen et praegu ma saan sellest rääkida, mis siis, et Ravi ilmselt loeb seda varsti - ma peamiselt jalutan lihtsalt linnas ringi ja räägin kohalikega või istun maha ja mediteerin.

Järv tõmbab mind endiselt enda poole ja ma ei saa midagi parata et ma mõnikord unistavalt sinnapoole tagasi kõnnin, tundub et mu süda ja mu jalad tahavad ise sinna tagasi minna, mälestused on endiselt sügaval kehas ja seal on tugev külgetõmme tagasi selle järve juurde.

Seal juhtus palju asju, aga hetkel ma ei ole vist veel piisavalt võimekas neid asju integreerima, aga kui ma saan tugevamaks ja enesekindlamaks siis ma lähen sellesse rohkem sügavuti, samuti põhjuslikud seosed ja kuidas ma murran järve ääres preestrite iidse loitsu.

Aga praegu ma ei tea... midagi minu sees ütleb et ei ole veel õige aeg seda kõike avaldada, minu südames on palju valu, eriti vasakul pool küljel, ja et sellest kõigest rääkida oleks vist liiga palju integratsiooni korraga, rohkem kui oleks mulle tervislik toime tulla. Pigem ma keskenduks vist hetkeseisu-probleemidele Tallinnas, kui ma just ei saa tõelist ja tugevat toetust selle koha pealt või kui ma just ei saa ise läbi jooga tugevamaks.

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