pühapäev, 10. juuli 2016

Thoughts about this game that was re-approaching us

A deep creation point was again reached in your stage of evolution as a "game", I would say. To help us understand this, I will try to explain this with the following.

When you once started out as a game, we would not know, what would be your state of being, when you come back to the game masters' creation worlds. We would not even know, when would you reach back home ( Back home to your old old ancestors, most of you probably don't consciously remember it, but there is no need to. You have had a heck of a long trip. Let me explain this even more.)

When you started out as a game, your destination was unknown. You had to explore it by yourself. But now it turned out, that the purpose for a certain set of worlds was undecided and the time limit was near. So we had to do something. Quickly-quickly we had to rearrange things in such a way that:

a) you would have a purpose
b) your willingness to destroy yourself would be channeled into such a worlds, that this big power could develop further in a new and safer space, without harming the indvidual progress of those beings (and there were many), who would not want to be destroyed.

As in one of the previous posts I already said: there was simply a gap, a falldown from a cliff you could maybe say. Lot of forces were running towards a direction where the road would simply end and a big monster from the wilderness would take over. (Yes, you had made a trip long long into the wilderness. This is true, you have come very far. )

Now you are pretty much like brave adventurers, and hmm... it all changed in a rather fast way. Now that there are many loving forces present (fortunately, in my opinion!), it seems that we are about to transform into something much more heartful and okay in a way...

Normally this world (the 4th) is full of kindness and love I think and this is why I hope that the loving, benevolent and wise forces can also enter these damaged post-crash areas without a problem, smoothly and naturally, because I think that they actually should already be here by this time (the true loving mother who is well-grounded). Usually they do it most naturally and so effortlessly that it pretty much just happens.

In a way you did a very fast jump over the gap (with the help of Lui van B) and landed safely, I hope. So you basically took a quick short-cut back towards more home, really quickly, and to readjust this, of course we need the help of our dear loving well-grounded mother.. We need to get back on track and well-adjusted deep in our dear hearts :) Love and blessings and sorry for the inconvenience... it is a grand meeting after all. And what's up with the cars? Pretty nice arrival over there :) (They're on wheels, so you can pretty much roll them back to their home. Just kidding. Also starting to drive again soon probably :))

Lot of confusion but I hope that it will be sorted out. Those who arrived with big malicious intentions will be taken good care of. I do believe that everyone will find their true home-place and soulful life from now on... :)

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