This is my understanding, what I got so far. It might be a bit naive. Some basics are from Drunvalo's book called "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life". I will try to explain this as simply as possible.
The Earth goes round the center of our Galaxy about every 26,000 years, 13,000 years going away and away from the Galaxy center and then starting to turn back. We were just at the farthest point. Last 13,000 years our planet Earth has been travelling away from the Galaxy center. It is a natural process, such as the Earth going around our dear Sun.
So when the 13,000-year cycle is about to end (which happened last Summer-October), we need to recommunicate with the Galaxy center. It is a natural alignment, so that our progress in the Galactic Night of 13,000 years would not be lost, and we would safely return our process back home.
But what happened this time, was that we would not come together as one planet in unity to do this at the necessary time, and there was a lot of chaos.
I will try to give you an example. Let's say an airplane is going to land; but when the people at the station call the airplane, all they got for answers about the situation of the plane is few knocks. And that's it. And with this intel, how does the station know, where the plane is, or how to recieve it?
In the same way, our planet needed to realign with the Galactic center. But the population was mostly just damaging itself (I am sorry, but this it how it seemed to me) and not capable of responding too much on a galactic level. But how can the plane land, when it does not communicate with the station?
Also there was another thing going on at the same time. Our planet was about to rise to the next level of existance, to the Heart chakra, on the 4th level. So far we were a bit unable to get healthy attitude to our feeling center, and each time we attempted to get contact with our heartfulness, we had to deal with the pain first. But (again my opinion), nobody wanted to do this, nobody was willing to face their pain and integrate it fast enough.
It also needed to be done on a collective level, because the 4th level or Heart chakra or divine Heart center also requires a sense of unity, that is, we also need to decide collectively who we are as a planet. But also, there was pretty much nobody talking for the whole planet and population. But it was required.
Then we also needed to decide what are we going to do as an Universe, which is about to enter from 3rd level to 4th. This means, who are we as an Universe? In fact we are an old game, but it got a bit disrupted and (oversimplifying: ) pretty much everybody forgot about it and got stuck in evil working patterns. But to decide who we are as a Game, we also need to behave a bit more game-like for them to accept us.
Also, when you enter from 3rd level to 4th (which is huge, many many people on the 3rd level wanted and needed to do this transition), you need to face ALL of your progress on the 3rd level. It is a very natural thing. Think about it as a video-game for example, when you get a level-up, all of your progress so far integrates (like bzzt!! I had this experience and I completed the level, but a bit later about this) and you get your high-scores an bonuses depending on how you performed on the previous level.
But the game was a bit broken and people were even unaware that they are players in an ancient game. But now several "questions" were asked (a very natural thing when re-approaching the center or coming back from a journey), such as: Who are you as a group? What is the name of your Game? What is your progress so far? What is the purpose of your planet? Please, could you tell us about your experience so that we can know what would be the best area for you to continue.
But we gave very little answers because we were busy doing our everyday life, arguing with each other and smiling and driving around with cars. So the game was pretty much stuck at some point. Many of us were only operating on chakras 1-7, but the questions were asked on chakras 8-12. Intense questions. We needed to prove that we are even worth to continue as a Game or as an Universe.
So on from Pushkar, I took a little bit care of this. Having reached Shri Krishna Homestay and committing-fulfilling some karma on the 8th chakra, from now on I had to really get into the integration of Atlantis energies (big nuclear blow-ups and collective damage + manipulation from above, also a lot of boredom in the game which needed to be played, to prove that the game is still working).
This is what I did and it is a big story. Basically I was alone a lot and facing aggressive energies very often, also integrating lot of tough emotional energies. When I did not know how to do this, I needed to play and find out, and when there was no hope, I had to find it from within. These were the standards I felt. And as always, I think that there are higher forces also taking part of all this and sometimes guiding (or testing), so it was not like I was completely out of touch, just not too much human interaction on the 8-12 chakra.
A lonely journey, but well worth it. When the cycle is about to end, you can reclaim a lot and when you are at the right time in right places, you can do A LOT of positive karma and highscore. But you need some courage and skills and high faith to move in these broken areas of the game, integrating them as you play.
Basically now is the Year 0. We are just about to move back home on a very big level. Holla! Pack your emotional values and virtues and consider yourself to be charismatic warriors, because I don't truly know what lies ahead and what is prepared for us as we are about to enter the true field of Games.
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