So, after they find out that I have willingly dropped my backpack, I think that they got a bit suspicious about me. Who is this guy and is he trying to trick us? Is he just living here and outplaying others by not working and eating for free? Ravi had some masterdom in this, but now he had met an opponent and it was not so nice.
So what I think they do is that they set a trap. I don't know who did it or where the attack was coming from, but it went like this:
There was a young single Canadian woman with her daughter also staying at the guesthouse. We were all getting along together very well and she was like family to us, also enjoying the company of our forming international community at the guesthouse of Aravali.
One night when I chose to sleep at the rooftop in open air (I could sometimes do this, when there were no guests), I had an interesting dream in the morning. I saw that I was back to my parents' house where I had grown up and I had this small parrot again. But the window was getting a bit open and the parrot in it's cage was hanging near the window. And then suddenly a cat appeared outside the window and attacked the parrot! I got a bit shocked and jumped between them, trying to separate them from each other. I managed to do it and the cat went away (outside the window) and the parrot (a budgerigar) was badly wounded and barely survived.
It was a shocking dream but as the day went on, I forgot about it. Then later in the day I hear that there had been this theft in the morning and money was stolen from the room of that Canadian woman.
I don't want to go into details about this, but later again they stole money from her. Then there were also people coming to that guesthouse and starting to do drugs and drug business (there's more to it but it's a bit private topic and I was not too involved in this); and one old man was also coming who in the past had sold weapons to Africa for hunting, and he tried to approach me sexually after giving me whiskey. Of course he was unsuccessful and I have my limits.
Then of course they start to accuse me in the theft and also they wanted to send me to the embassy in Delhi, hoping that they would get some money from me this way? And they told me to solve the theft and I actually found the real thief, but then they start to lie and deny about it. How I see it, they were probably colluding with each other. I get some warnings and they start to behave in a real dominating way with me, for example, one guest asking for pen and somebody said to me: "Taavi, now you go to the shop and bring 5 pens." And I reply: "I don't think so.." And he's like: "What??" in a very angry tone. Then I'm like: "Ok, nothing, whatever, I will go." And leaving the building, happy that I could manage a little bit with my anger.
Then on the street in front of an internet cafe' I meet a guy who had previously also offered me a job at their guesthouse, I was also sometimes using internet at their place. This time I accept and start talking with him and tell him that I will later come back there and they we will go. Then I also bring the pens to Ravi.
When I had it arranged with the next guy, one day I suddenly quit and simply tell the boss that I am going, without much pre-warning. So I leave and change the guesthouse after 3 weeks of working there.
There was also more to this story and I could have actually left even few days sooner, but some very important things kept me there.
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