pühapäev, 26. juuni 2016

worrying about the money

Emotional cleansing of the money network.

Soon I will go back to the town again, and soon after that I will be bankrupt. Then I have to start from zero. Maybe indeed it is a normal procedure, but when I already have a family, as she said, it is not such a good idea to have such financial high-risks all the time.

Once I was used to poker and played around with a bit, went pro for 2 years but never taking it too seriously. The thing with poker is, is that it is very individualistic and competitive. But I enjoy being around a family that I love very much.

I think that the money network could be less fierce, I think that it would be very nice if I could be rich without having to fight for it all the time.

Wouldn't it be awesome if I could just get paid for being together with the children as a teacher? This is indeed what I could get and it will probably continue in September, but so far I need to somehow manage.

All of my money will go to training courses and yoga and things like that, and very soon I will discover myself poor again.

Where did I get the money last time? From piano place, 60 eur/week or the teacher's salary, minimum wage, about 350 euros/month.

When our rent is 50 eur + 10 eur electricity and I pay half of it, it is 30 euros. And the food is like what, less than 100 euros a month.

So I am indeed able to survive.

But now in the summer I have lot of outgoings, -210 euros in cash for teacher training courses and yoga. And no income or wage, the piano place I also don't know, maybe too much busy in summer and time to move somewhere else. But where?

I don't see an option, how could I get paid for my real work? Maybe it does not matter. I can simply continue doing it and living a low-end life financially, giving out everything towards a loving friendship and family. 

But then there's this integration thing, many people still rich and prices of bicycles very high, and making me sad, never able to afford them. Also I cannot afford a place to live in.

It is a little bit stupid.

exploring how to be unique and original

In a way you are doing the correct thing, the female wants to be explored, it yearns for it. But during this explorations, remember to stay true to yourself - how would your true self-expression look like?

I wouldn't actually say that repetition is a bad thing, not at all. But sometimes I feel that something is missing, perhaps a joy for adventure, the courage to offer something new and untried?

Hymn for individuality in a greater sense, in a paradoxical way, as it very often might turn out, the more true and unique and original you are to yourself, the more accepted you will be in the community? This is what I believe, but atm also testing it out.

Not sure, but the results so far have been awesome.

laupäev, 25. juuni 2016

about the spontaneous flow of things that I truly love and enjoy

I think that they use time to pre-plan things so that they would be in nice and neat order, so that people would know for certain what will happen next. I was very surprised when I see this sign at our hallway that they're gonna have a local meeting in September about the apartments of this house.

For me it is simply weird to always pre-plan so little things for so long. In a way it is a little bit disgusting, because it kills the real spontaneous life-flow of things.

Let's say a young couple meets in a forest and has a good time. Then, someone might come and say: hey, you need to work at this field in Germany and do a hard work for the next 500 years.

Isn't it a bit boring.

I think that the true sexuality or life force or spontaneous energy flow wants to discover itself in a more natural way. It knows itself, what it is doing. There is no need to somehow address your sexuality in a hard-work labour way, for me it kinda ruins the love inside this beautiful thing.

I was also thinking that in order to connect with the money and car network, I need to go quite low in sexuality. For example, in the car network there is not much unique self-expression or creativity, it's copy reproduction and not a true smile of a beautiful loving woman.

What would you like to drive the most, may I ask?
Sometimes, no, very often I do not understand the things around me or why people behave in certain ways, because the things are created in a sexual way that is unknown to me. For example, what kind of sexual force would create a plastic bag and a car and Soviet houses?

Sometimes it is simply so weird for me to understand this.

thinking-thinking. a machine to marry a person

decoding, recoding, incoding and encoding.

How do you approach a person?


if functions:

value (smile) = true
love emission from the heart = inconstant
hot and sexy legs = function: walk-on.

We need 4 wheels in these areas. Dogs have 4 legs and we now need 4 wheels.
Humans have 2 legs, no wheels. A bicycle. Bicycle 2 has 2 wheels.

One rides an unicycle.
Return to the sorcery, sorry, source.

My hands and legs are parts of my body. Take-off = false.
Hold your ground. Don't let others in. This is my private space and my private parts, even if it is a building. No, I will not marry a skyscraper or a chimney. We need something more gentle.

How to f* with a red big chimney. Who should do it? You go! No, not me. You go! No, I don't want to. It is impossible.

Re-turn. Two triangles on top of each other, OR a bi. wheel. Soundcluster.com
Distance = 400
Power level = -8
Last attempt to take off (TAKE IT OFF ME!) = June, 2854
What time do u ppl use round here
what lifespan
how long does your core engine work
a poem

uudiseid Eestist

Peaasi, et me selle riigiaparaadi jälle tööle saaks. Lennundusfirma ei tohi järsku kahjumisse jääda, muidu on halvasti. Autotööstus ja välisettevõtetest oleneb kodu meie tulu.

Tähtis on esmajärjekorras trükkida hulk teksti. Erinevates väljaannetes, et reprodutseerida oma liigi ja rahvuse jätkusuutlikkust. Peaasi, et idast ei rändaks mõnda rahvust siia liiga kiiresti sisse ja et kohalikud neil siis ees ei oleks.

Peaasi, et liikluseksamid saaksid tehtud. Narkojoobes ja purjus ei tohi rooli minna. Enim hukkus liiklusõnnetustes, sestap, mis teha. Kuhu nad sõidavad? Maa südamesse vist.

Tuleb küsida luba, enne kui autorooli istuda. Kes pakub linnas toitu? Kuidas me siia sattusime ja kuhu me tahame jõuda? Laevaühendus mandri ja saarte vahel katkes.

Oleme võimekad ja meie rahvussportlased kaitsesid taaskord meie riiki. Hädaoht läks seekord jälle mööda. Naised ja lapsed jõudsid elusate ja tervetena tagasi perede juurde.

some weird thoughts that one could consider worthwhile to remember

How can:

Math be accepted by.....
For me, intelligence is always sexy in a way. It knows what to do to achieve certain results. However, what are the true results to be sought out?

1) return to the core feeling of the body:
- see if a sense of yours does respond to how you wish that things REALLY were

I don't know if this helps but many broken areas of thios code need sm srious helping I think and feel.

2) They always want me to help them with MATH and IT. What is it? The governments always seek help with technology, math and IT:

what is the problem then?
- answer: the problem must be then in the male area of our thinking patterns that needs to be readjusted to teh new environment?

Get your thinking claire and stairght;
practice medicine meditation

continuation with the damaged code


(number of population required to do certain task >= 8)

ask permission from:

a) your mother
b) divine mother
c) false

The libraries of the math. How to enter sacred areas without damaging them.

1) We need to be very precise.
2) We need to keep hidden.
3) Repeating: They shud not notice.


find out:

(what is wrong with the cue? what is cue anyway??
 c) see the results of the inner tragedies)


(girls come = true)



(present them the broken code;
 discover the invalid aspects of chairs;
 hide that we are from stars;
 pretend to be local Estonians.)

Also, how to do this?

How to:

a) know if we axxxeopt


you notice it when she smiles gently to you and locates the lips of yours with her INDEX finger.

an attempt to write romantic code, self-beliefs thrown over the values of the glorious text

A poem or something, dedicated wholeheartedly to you, as if you were part of the bigger game. I am sorry if I smash technology, but if I use it, I want to know. As Mitnick would say: I just need to know.

AS a small hint, I would love to refer to this as something of a tip... the howness or suchness of things... as Mitnick says in the hacker movie: The question's how. The question's always how... But:


(truly wish to make a contact = true)

{ a) inner talents
   b) what soulful intel you could develop and dream
   c) what is most important to you as this particular entity in this particular body


RUN this code and then:


results >= damaged violence:
keep testing the doorway of

{a) ancient library
  b) dragon

referance to the old zen master: standing on nothing, victorious, he has snatched the jewel from the mouth of a dragon.

So too can you stand on thin air and then remove even that.
  The heart code, the pilot code.
The stripful heritage of the joyful women----> Hackers have higher-level preferences in erotic pictures, don't they... ? At list we did...


Return with the code.


(number of damaged gentleness >?= your acc. from past lives):
   (running speed += 8)

Dragons approaching from:

random decode:

a) north
b) south
c) east

Don't you:


if (remembrance of the source code) = false:
  continue as child prodigy
  keep damaging the ancient timelines


if (attempting to remember = true):
  turn to:
    {list [music, poetry, romance, (random addition from {core self-beliefs})]}

We love where it turns.

as you attempt to enter

Get past these pathways? Block the guardians? Open the entrances? Indeed, what were the questions? DO YOU remember?

And then, how am I? WHO are we? The keeper of the heart?? What do you know? WHAT do you know about the heart? WHO is trying to approach this?
Get back, you two.

Ha, well, sirs, you cannot simply pass by by pretending these games... what is it. What we are looking is something, something more... perhaps more suitful for YOU?

Until you haven't told me, what was the, perhaps most interesting casual pathway of this ancient trip of yours... there can be little trust... After all, how can we let you in if you don't even introduce yourself truly?

Khm... we would like to know... how have you managed... to keep telling yourself these kind of dreamful... post-tragedious things?

Why not follow perhaps----> (this) ancient pathway to the right. Or perhaps a kick in the... so that it would turn out for something more... yourful?

Most interested, who are these forces and what do they seek. Yes, in there WAS gold, but this is not it. In fact, it is a small trap hiding the real things inbetween and in-inside, keep onwards with the journey. The gold was not the answer. Yet. It was a trickful way to keep you from damaging the gentleness of the... Keep searching. The gold is not the answer.

what is it

It seems that everyone keeps asking these questions, hidden, silent questions - sometimes they approach me sub-consciously, drawn by their higher selves, yet the emotional body often blocking the contact.

What answers could I provide? Is this the solution to the pain or more? I think that mostly it is something else. Who cares about a little bit pain after all when there's an adventure going on... ?

Usually they need or require some information, but what kind? Did they forget? Usually they seem to require sexual information or how to get the best boyfriend/girlfriend/family? But no, it is not this, it is something else, something more...

I do seem to guess what is it... usually... not usually. It is usually something that they lack, this inner joy for treasure and adventure? Perhaps the connection with our intuitive selves...?

They come dressed in different ways, they approach and contact over and over again. What is it that they seek?

Discovery, excitement, awesomeness and joy... ? But no, this describes some outer aspects of it...

What is it? Who knows? Secretly she might whisper it sometimes, but only when you least expect it...

Is it so mysterious that it cannot me told? Most definitely ... not. Then what is it? Is it the child-like spontaneity? Is it ... the ashtanga? But no matter...

Never the answer known to us lies in the hidden pathways and the mysteries of the very core of the well-known time itself. - How did this sound? Something familiar and ancient? Old?

Who are you, sirs? Well-required, the heart requested a secret, most well-known pathway down the alleyway, into the hidden parts of the tunnel. The ancient libraries and book-shelves on the walls were whispering to you. But only when you decided to turn right, you discovered, that there was something else, that had been waiting for you, for eons... Perhaps you yourself put it out there, centuries ago.

The.... memories of the heart? The.... loneliest approach to the mystified ghosts?
I try to put certain words in order and see the emotional reaction then, afterwards.

laupäev, 18. juuni 2016

I might be a strong intuitive emotional healer


Meeting some Russians and back to the beautiful ocean

I go barefoot on that forest path and secretly enter the jungle of South India. However, luckily enough, the trail leads me back to civilization; first I see few houses behind some trees and silently pass them, not to upset the locals and stay unnoticed.

Then there's already a big asphalt road and I am back on a street. I continue on the street and soon there's a Russian place on the right side of the road. There are also two elephant sculptures, on the both side of the entrance, and a black diamond on the building, the same black diamond that was on my Pokerstrategy diamond T-shirt that I won by being loyal to their site and collecting points while playing poker.

So there are these Russians sitting outside of the building in chairs, and one of them greets me. I greet back and go there and sit with them for a while. One guy offers me water and I accept and we drink it. They start to talk about that I should go to a hotel place and that there are some cheap hotel places down the road (not their place, they wanted me out of there), prices with 400 rupis. This would have been all of my money.

I refuse and sit with them for a while more and enjoy the rest in a chair for a bit longer, also there was a nice shadow provided by a tree. Then one guy comes and says that he's going to the market with a motoscooter and somehow I manage to go with him. Then, as we roll towards the marketplace, he asks: "How's it going?" And I'm like "Yahoo!" on the back seat.

Then soon he makes a stop where the road crosses with a seaside road and tells me: "This is a beautiful area. Why don't you take some photos of these birds over there?" I look and say: "But I don't have a camera." He: "Well, get off the bike anyway." I agree and as I do this, he very quickly rides away towards the market and simply leaves me there without any further discussion.

I walk on few meters towards the oceanside again, and then another guy with a motorscooter comes towards my direction and says: "Do you want a ride?" And I accept and he takes me a bit nearer to the seaside but then turns away or back.

Now I have to walk on my own again, and suddenly I see a sign, like a road-sign that says: "Narrow pathway ahead, be careful!" And I know that now I have to very precisely follow my intuition and guidance to move on; I know that this time I am about to merge with my higher self.

So I walk on towards the seaside and pass a local church and then I am back at the ocean again. Now there's one guy selling ice cream, and hearing that I don't have much money, he gives me one with a cheaper price. We talk for a while and then I go to the sea again, on to the beach.

There's a tourist couple hanging around near me, and the female is discovering the plants and the rocks next to the water at the seaside, and she is walking with open breasts. I would say that it is quite courageous in a hindi beach, but there were not much people around.

I lay down in the sand and as the night time arrives, I fall asleep on the beach, putting on some clothes from my bag. There were also some funny crabs dwelling in the sand that moved sideways. But I find a good spot and avoid them and manage to sleep for some hours, even though it is a bit uncomfortable in the sand.

There's a night club next to me, like few hundred meters, so I know that I am safe and that there are people around if I need water or something. In the morning when I wake up, there's a guy walking on the seaside. We meet and talk and he shows me a complect of tools and says that he's a guy who cleans other people's ears.

He offers me his service and says that it would be like few hundred rupis or 600 rupis for each stone that he finds from my ears. I tell him that I only have 400 rupis but anyway he then starts with the service. He indeed finds some stones from my ears (or did he make a trick by holding them in his hand?). But he makes my ears clean nad when he sees that I really don't have much money, he only takes like 100 rupis or something and we leave each other thankfully.

Now as it is morning time I am hungry and move towards to the palm trees where I had seen the ice-cream-selling young man the last day.

reede, 17. juuni 2016

What happened on the beach

When I enter Goa, it is already morning time. The train had taken me through the night and now it was already quite light, and I can tell you, the climate was also pretty hot.

So I am at this local train station, not really knowing, what to do or where to go next. I walk here and there and I am at a bit unease and sit on benches. Suddenly a white-clothed older male starts to approach me and ask questions. It turns out that he was a pervert (he was also drunk), but first he asks me to follow him and I go with him for a while, he says that he wants to show me something but I don't understand it too well.

He then leads me and takes me to the showers of the train station and ass me to go and take a shower, at the same time sneaking on the doorway and sending me glimpses. I then understand that he is a true pervert and decide that it is time to leave him; of course I don't take naked and go under that shower while he himself set up this trap to watch me from the doorway while I would be washing myself.

It is like a sign or a warning that I should continue with my journey. So I manage to shake off this guy and go outside of the train station, to the other side. Then there's a guy with a motorbike waiting outside of the station, on the other side of the road. I go to him and we start to talk and he's a taxi guy and asks me where do I want to go. I tell him: "seaside" or something like that and he tells me that it would be 300 rupis.

I know that this is quite expensive for a taxi but decide that like what the heck, and I say yes and go with him. He drives me towards the ocean, it is like few kilometers. He then drops me to the beach and drives away or goes back.

I am now at the beach and start to walk towards the waves. It is my first time next to a big ocean and I suddenly understand thatt is nowhere else to go. Do you understand, this is it!! There is nowhere else to run away or to go anymore. The journey is over, there's like a big ocean next to me and there's nowhere else to go. I take off my shirt and walk into the waves and cry and cry, it was so overwhelming and good and soul-satisfying at the same time. A lonely traveller reaching the ocean, the end destination for a drop of water.

Again I get very angry and walk and run deep into the waves and as they arrive I punch them with my fists and scream a bit. I had reached the ocean and I was angry towards all and everything and it was emotionally a lot. Then our dear mother gives me a sign again, a crab or something from under the water bites me in the ass. I scream suddenly and jump and shake it off and walk back onto the shore.

I go to my clothes and sunbathe a bit, after all, it is a very beautiful beach and I enjoy my first time next to an ocean. Soon I feel that it is time to walk on and continue with the travel; I start to walk on the sand with the ocean on my right side. I go on and on, the public beach ends and then I start to switch the dimensions.

I get a strong sense of overwhelming emotional waves, I cry and cry and basically collapse emotionally many times. I know that I have lost my beloved wife and that I am far away from my home. I understand that the solitude is not the answer, I do not want it, it is not the key, my heart longs for my beloved. I go on and on and promise and vow to myself with all of my being, as fully as I can: "I am going to walk on, until I find my beloved wife and my true home!" I cry and cry and I walk on and on.

It is truly a timeless dimension, it was like an eternal seaside, completely just with me, the ocean and the sand, and me walking on. Deciding to walk on forever, until I find my beloved wife and my home.

I have my Puma slippers in my hand and at one point I get a sudden impulse from my higher guidance or intuition to drop them! I know that it would be crazy, but I drop them an continue walking, knowing that from now on it is barefoot. As I do this, I get this sudden flashback vision and understanding that I am seeking the same thing at that oceanside and next to the lake Võrtsjärv in Estonia where I grew up, they are like the same dimension or vortex, the oceanside is simply a bigger version of that vortex next to lake Võrtsjärv and that these two bodies of water are interconnected.

In my vision I see this link very clearly, that on a higher-level dimension I have come to seek the same thing next to that oceanside and next to lake Võrtsjärv in Estonia. I walk on without the shoes and I go farther and farther from the public beach.

A guy with a bicycle rides towards me hands free and smiles and passes on with a smile. I also help a couple whose bicycle was a bit broken, the chain had come off and I help to put it back on. They thank me and I continue. I walk on and soon I see that on the left side in the bushes there's a guy living naked and probably masturbating to himself, I don't like this idea of freedom and continue.

At one point, as I walk on, an eagle comes to me from somewhere and starts to accompany me by flying behind me, very close to me, few meters above my head, sometimes making small circles or switching side, but always following me. So I walk on together with this eagle. Soon a second eagle flies to me and starts to accompany me, a bit more farther than the first one. So I walk on together with these two eagles. On the ocean there are many white ships, I mean ships with white sails. They also silently accompany me.

I walk on and at one point there's a small forest trail leading into the jungle on the left. My higher self now tells me to quit the seaside nad follow that small pathway or a trail into the forest. I am barefoot and without much equipmet (some clothes and water), but I decide to take this path.

Now I connect with a dream that I had long ago in my public school essay, I was writing about my dream, about a favourite place, and it was describing a place like this. A jungle pathway next to a warm ocean and palm trees. In that essay it was my dream place or the best place to be in, you know, but now it turned out that it was the worst place to be in, or the most challenging one, at least emotionally.

So I go on that pathway and turn away from the oceanside.

neljapäev, 16. juuni 2016

From Mumbai and on with a train

When I enter Mumbai, I am very tired, frustrated and angry. I don't have too much money left and I am a bit unsure and confused where to go next. It is already night time I think and I sit on a bench and try to rest a bit. The station is quite big, I think that first I go to the exit, but then the streets are so dirty and not too welcoming at all, so that I decide to simply sit on a bench and then I go back inside.

There are some stairs I remember and then I get a sudden impulse from somewhere and get very angry. I am already so tired and then I use all my willpower to get out of that situation. For some reason, I don't remember why, I get very angry and motivated and then decide that I want to go to Goa. I decide that I will do whatever it takes to get there.

I start to see the signs that point to the entrances where you can buy the tickets. I follow these signs and then I go to one desk where they sell tickets to Goa I think. And I say to that person: "To Goa." And he gives me the ticket and asks about 200 rupis, I think it was 220 or something. I was a bit surprised that it happened so fast, I was not expecting such a quick solution. I was a bit stuck at that station and I did not even know if it was the correct desk or not, and besides that, Goa is a big place and I did not even mention the correct name of the train stop. (Now I google it, I think it was Madgaon or something with an M)

So I get the ticket and the amazing journey through the night air starts. I remember that I was sitting on the doorway, feet outside and watching the landscape and trees and the night air of the southern India pass by, it was such a mysterious and amazing part of this journey.


I don't want to describe it any further, it is better to remain in the night and in the shadow; but as the train continues and the morning arises, there is nowhere to go and I cannot help it, the Goa is slowly approaching, now, what can I do? I am attempting to escape these memories but there is nowhere to go. But maybe it is more suitable to continue in the morning or on another day...

It feels a bit like I know what is ahead now but it is a bit too... how do you say? important? At least for me it is very important. I don't want to devalue the experience but I also don't want to take too long of a time to retell it. It is very personal and quite mysterious and interesting also. I am talking about... But it is a bit too much.

The thing is, noone can do this for me, but let's say something ... beautiful? was about to happen ... I don't know where to start to describe this. It has to do with so much different things and I haven't gotten not so much feedback to the aspects that I am refering to. Well, I have gotten some feedback, but how to start...

And last night or a night before that I also had a dream... I was re-experiencing this kind of move or dimensional switch... And it showed me that I had entered into quite a deep layer of my heart, it was like a gateway in the middle of my heart showing the place that I was about to enter, but it was also about to get more deeper and intense, I could sense or feel this a little bit.

Who knows? ...

A small speech


teisipäev, 14. juuni 2016

On with the journey

Last paragraph I wrote on June 8th and it went like this:

Now what happens is quite fun. News spread and now they know this story that I have no money. Then one guy takes out 100 rupis and says: here you go. I accept and I am very thankful and joyful. The other guys see this one friend giving me 100 rupis and they're like: wait a minute! We're not any worse than this guy! And soon like ten guys give me 100 rupis each, so I think I had 1100 rupis pretty soon and riding on with a free ticket.

I will make a stop here but the journey towards Govardhan Ecovillage will continue.

This time I manage to exit at the correct stop, but very soon find myself in a small town or a village, where there's no signs leading me onward to that place. I meet some local guys in front of a motoscooter shop I think, drinking chai and I think offering me some as well. They ask me about where I want to go and they also ask me to play the flute. I play or improvise them again a little bit quite randomly (I did not know which key the flute was in and I also did not know which holes make which sounds).

They are satisfied though but then ask me to play some hindi tune and I tell them that I don't know any of these. I think that they requested a pop-song. Then there's a guy coming next to me when I ask them about Govardhan Ecovillage but nobody had heard about it. They say that I could go to the seaside or take a train to Mumbai; and I go with one guy I think and we head towards the sunset a bit. It is already quite late in the night and I am tired of this all.

When we walk, he talks to me that he knows nothing about this eco-village, but there are a few crop fields outside of the town, maybe I want to take a look at these? But I refuse and tell him that this is not what I was looking for. I think that I was looking for a place to stay, to rest and feel a bit home-like, maybe eat or talk to some tourists who understand English.

Then I part this guy I think and soon as I walk on there are these little boys standing or walking I think, maybe some of them had followed the same direction from the front of that moto-scooter shop. They have some glass marbles and this is one of the most beautiful things of all! They give me a few glass marbles as a present and ask me if I want to go to Mumbai by train, and that they could guide me to the train station.

Indeed I agree and they take me there and I give one boy the money. He was young, like 12 years old, but so courageous and more man than me at that point, I completely relied on him, he was like a born leader. So I give him the money to get me the ticket and he does it very quickly from the right gateway or stall and makes me feel so confident and protected. He definitely had authority in that small boy group (like 4-5 boys), but he was so skillful, polite and confident in what he was doing that it was amazing.

So they send me on that train towards Mumbai and leave. The night is already falling and I am about to enter the Mumbai train station for the first time.

laupäev, 11. juuni 2016

How to let go of the dearest thing?

I am still holding on to a memory, I cannot get past it. Why must it be so personal, so intimate, so important? At one point I managed to tell it, but as it turns out, it was not enough. I seemingly got rid of it by sharing it, but it was shared as secretly as possible and now I feel that it actually did not solve or dissolve it at all.

And that there was even much more, all tied together, one experience to another thru a secret link between different hidden areas or aspects of the dimensions. The shaolin masters will know a bit about this. When I could not find... It is maybe a bit too much at once... skipping different...

I even got a mention in Starchild Global by Michael, talking about lightwarriors making a timeline jump. But what now still disturbs me and keeps me a little bit uneasy, is the emotional part of it. Maybe sometimes it turns out that a journey is a bit too overwhelming to tell... Somehow I have managed to get until to this point, but now... What if a thing is so intense...

I am alone and I feel that my heart is not yet ready to allow you to see that which I have protected and overprotected from anyone to see... Who are we really? A young shaolin master making a crazy intuitive jump only to face the pain of ... what?

A tiny impulse... Leading to a small sign... As if I was someone who... would be able to... do the job of a long-lost, forgotten grandmother or a grandmaster... The boy inside me does not want to grow up; it refuses to become more man -> yes, hold the child position, Taavi! Hide yourself in the divine feminine and pretend to be just a child and nothing more! ...

But infact, in truth, I am able to describe these parts of the journey, it might even turn out - most probably - that there isn't anyone else to tell this story. After all, it is my experience.

Ha ha... half-awaken shaolin yogi to correct the distant timelines and regather the storm... be prepared... beware, believe in yourself! Gather the storm secretly, Taavi.

Why do I refuse and why do I hide? Who is this behind this mask of a child? The ancient yogis have returned, I can tell you this... When you do too much yoga, you might cry a lot. Maybe at one point then, you can give people back their emotional body... This is what I have been working with. To correct the ancient timelines that got disrupted... The long-lost beloved one and letting go of her... unsuccessfully. I can tell you this: it was not just me, it happened here before. Now I need to find out, wtf has been going on. Why no harmony and balance, why like this, brothers?

But I will not lead you to that seaside... no way.. this is too much. Until it is done. The crazy thing is, that it is already done. Storytelling leads me back to the pain, though. But it is good to know that there are greater and more ancient forces and thing than this... Do you remember the... eagles? But this is already a bit too much. Will be back when I am stronger and the heart is more in tune with the gentle flow of love.. May we be happy, may we be well, may we be peaceful and at ease.

What is going on with the censorship?

You might not have noticed, but around you are many beings who are attempting to connect with you. They come in different forms, if they are higher-level and benevolent, they usually choose a form that is most suitable (in their opinion) for the communication to happen.

Usually they are trying to tell you something; at these times I believe that when you see something new that resonates with your inner guidance strongly, it is probably important and soulful to go there.

For some of us it is not a problem to switch our form and appear in a different body; however, in my experience there is always the soul imprint that needs to be noticed.

I have had many beautiful contacts where the being was next to me without a body, this is actually truly beautiful, you can simply feel or sense the presence of his or her soul or that soul.

At the beginning I was also a bit confused, I was shown a family of beings switching their souls between their bodies very fast (done very smoothly and quickly thru the mother's line or an unknown soul cloud that I could not see). Also some of their knowledge or most of it I feel has been kept secret for a very long time.

In fact, I could not even ask any questios or talk, but had to simply go by trust and follow the small pieces of advice that I was given. I do believe that they practice the art of showing, they seem to prefer to show their skills or knowledge when they feel that the time is right for it, instead of talking about it too much. And yes, many of the teachings are sacred.

This is a natural thing (hiding everything), I now feel, when encountering a foreigner to their family, but back then I often felt so mysterious and that everything is ultra-secret and that you cannot even think about asking any more info?

So this also made the communication a bit hard for me. I always had to estimate inside myself what should I say or do, I put up and out as much information as I felt like, and got very little answers, but a sense that it is important to continue and that what I say might have a big impact. But for some reason, they do not talk back too much? Why cannot we simply talk freely about this? Is there a ban of talking? But anyway, it seems that it is none of my business.

I tend to suspect that there are probably secret organizations that regulate the outgoing of this kind of intel. As I do not belong into too many of these groups, I feel that I am a bit more free to speak about my experience. However, it is a bit lonely down here and we could bring in the ships and meet our star family more. Why not?

reede, 10. juuni 2016

Attempting to enter our hearts and some advice along the way

Again I do not want to re-face the pain and emotional trauma; I am about to approach one of the most emotionally challenging part of this journey. I cannot foretell anything, ask no questions - it would lead me right where I do not wish to go. A little bit too... It is not something that I wish to describe...

Yet I know that it would solve it, I think that maybe, just maybe slowly expressing these kind of memories would help me to solve this. For I don't think that I can do it alone anymore; it is a collective journey as well and you too need to re-face the 11th. But it just happens that the light codes of the tragic emotional history were handled... I had this vision... I know...

Well, you need to go back to your hearts. And what is inside your hearts? Sacred knowledge and ancient history. Now, what does prevent you from re-entering this gentle and sacred space within your own true rich (this is something that you remember!) and wonderful heritage?

I believe that it is your emotional heritage that prevents you from going back there. Another way to put it: You started to believe your thoughts more than your heart, because your hearts were full of pain and you did not want to face it.

As far as I know, 4.3 billion years ago you blew up your emotional bodies. (The Big Bang, I am using this number to also refer the transition or fall from 4th to 3rd, and by 4.3 billion of years you can approximately imagine the amount or size of the tragedy. Plus I do believe that it was like this. In high school I also wrote an essay in physics on the topic: What happened before the Big Bang? And I found the conclusion that time itself was created with the big bang, so that nothing could actually happen _before_ that blow-up. And now I start to suspect that indeed this refers to the fall from 4th to 3rd (from your hearts to your feeling center)).

And after that the first feeling you felt was guilt: what have we done? So you started this last 4.3 billion-year-cycle with a deep feeling of guilt and pain, maybe also shame but mostly deep guilt I felt (So lot of sexual blockages as well. I wonder what you did within the previous cycle before that with your sexuality?), having blown up your previous emotional bodies.

After that I believe that you have tried over and over again to approach or re-create the sacred experience of the true feeling of love and belonging within your hearts and original emotions or feelings (I love them! This is where we are from!). You have attempted to do this by technology, by sexual pleasure, by drugs, by pretty much anything except:
Re-facing your true emotional body and feelings (-> this would lead you right back to more home, towards and into your spiritual bodies in a more natural and harmonious way, without the need to do any drugs or smoking. It would also be in harmony with the mind, effortlessly, because it would be thru the feelings that arise from your sacred heart-space. This is what I have been trying to heal.)

But when the feeling body is full of pain and guilt and the heart aches, you might not have the guts to re-face it and embrace it, especially if it would require accepting your criminal deeds in the past. But when you want to enter the 4th dimension, you need to do it heartfully and that is to re-embrace and accept your true feelings. I don't think that you can get past this test without this anymore. The clock has fallen and the time ...

This is the sacred teaching and this is where your true home is: within your hearts. Have you forgotten? Do you know this sense of longing? Always missing something, always wanting to go away somewhere? Maybe one night you did see the stars and felt something, hmm... aren't they a bit ancient... Well I had this sense of going there very strongly. Your heart is calling you. How can you resist? Is it even wise to resist?

Who blew up the 11th? The journey to the 4th is thru the gateway on 11th. You need to accept and re-embrace the 11th. Your hearts. Your divine and true galactic origins. Where are you from? It is time to wake up. Yesterday I was walking on this planet in a shop and thought: hmm, there isn't even a planetary government that I could turn to to ask: what are our goals as a planet.

Hm hmm hm. Wake up. Don't you think it is a bit strange over here? Who built the cities? Why are there so many countries? Who are the governments and why are they not doing yoga? I would say that a healthy way to connect with the Sun of this solar system would be for example Surya Namaskara by the ancient teachings. Believe me, it is more efficient than a car for opening your 10th chakra.

Anyway, it is time to go :)

kolmapäev, 8. juuni 2016

As the journey continues

Ok I will continue with telling this story, last paragraph I wrote on May 31st and it went like this:

"Many local hindi guys start to gather around me, but I am too tired to talk to any of them too much, so I simply hand them the piece of paper where is written: Govardhan Ecovillage. I believe that they will find it, they usually have smartphones there. And indeed, soon they talk with each other a lot and then come back to me with an answer, that I am 200km in the wrong direction and I should go back to the train station.

I say that I don't have any money to continue that way."

When they understand that I have no money with me, they are surprised and ask for my true purpose. I think that they would not understand if I told them that I am just travelling around in an unknown area; so I tell them that I am a pilgrim and point up to the sky to refer to god; and I tell them that there's a temple at Govardhan Ecovillage, I thought that this was something they would understand in their language, a pilgrim attempting to reach a temple.

So this pilgrim story they indeed understand and soon I am taken with them to a local shop or a restaurant, where they offer me food and water. Later when they give me water I become quite popular in that area, they gather around me on the street, like 50 of them or something, and I sit on a wall or a stone table at a cafe' next to a local guy I think.

Now I have this simple bamboo flute in my bag from Shri Krishna Homestay, and even though I cannot play it properly, I say to myself: I'm gonna play a real Krishna to them and see what happens. So I take out this flute and sit on that wall and then blow this bamboo flute pretty much randomly; this is so much fun and I laugh and laugh and become so joyful (I understand the comedy of the situation a bit). The crowd is also amazed and a bit surprised of course and finds it also quite funny.

I remember noticing a very beautiful local woman who laughs in surprise and amusement and looks me into my eyes for a second. She was truly beautiful and smiling! As the concert ends, it is time for me to go towards that eco-village.

They offer me a back-seat on a motoroller and take me nicely to the train station (where I had walked off before, it was quite a few miles, I can tell you). They buy me a ticket to the right station and one friend of theirs is also coming on the train.

Now what happens is quite fun. News spread and now they know this story that I have no money. Then one guy takes out 100 rupis and says: here you go. I accept and I am very thankful and joyful. The other guys see this one friend giving me 100 rupis and they're like: wait a minute! We're not any worse than this guy! And soon like ten guys give me 100 rupis each, so I think I had 1100 rupis pretty soon and riding on with a free ticket.

I will make a stop here but the journey towards Govardhan Ecovillage will continue.

teisipäev, 7. juuni 2016

Hello there

I would say that you are now re-reaching home; you once started off as a galaxy or as an universe or as collective beings from different universes from the world of games, this is what I believe and what seems to become true.

As you are now re-reaching your home worlds (your far-far off ancestors), you are coming a bit unprepared, as you did the ending very fast and a bit unconsciously. I do believe that the crashes of Atlantis and beyond were also an opportunity for a high-speed highway to lead you very fast back to the more free areas in the emptiness, towards the world of games; because you were a bit lost on your journey.

You could also say that I am an agent or a small son of the game masters, sent here to welcome you. I believe that it went something like this: A group of high-level beings in the game worlds saw this collapse of collective beings approaching their home worlds very fast and said to one another: We need to send somebody to welcome these beings to our home. They are approaching us very fast and are a bit unprepared and in a big mess.

So I was sent here to heal the damaged fields a bit and prepare your causal worlds and damaged emotional lines, so that you would be ready to enter the home worlds that you were very suddenly drawn into. It is an excellent time for character development, adventures, and skill trainings, I would say.

You are more than likely to re-discover yourselves as powerful and unique individuals, each with different traits, characteristics and skill sets. When you somehow get to a point where you trust the world enough so that you are not afraid for your survival all the time; you can start with the true exploration.

Who are we really? Why have we come here? What are we doing on this planet Earth? Where are we from? What would we like to do?

All the best,


Presenting my view a little bit

I would like to say that there are also so-called "hidden dimensions" or portals that you don't see, some of them are very secret and open up only when there's a great need. You can only access them if you put yourself up there fully, usually you need to pass a tough test first and be truly yourself. By this I mean that you need to use your potential fully and then go beyond it; and your heart needs to be very pure, usually some aspect of the divine female is testing this.

I would also like to say that when you do intense spiritual practices such as yoga, and dedicate a lot of time to it, you start to descend into the depths of your own inner being or soul. In this way you will also become more aware of the causal aspects of the worlds that you live in. Then you also start to see that you have a choice and ability to do things on a deeper level. The more that you are connected with your soul or the inner essence, the more deeper level your actions will be. This is a very simple way to put it, but you also need to develop certain skills to use for certain tasks.

In a way I like the example of the MMORPG called Runescape a lot, in that game the character can develop many skills and later use them in different situations. Also in that game you cannot access some areas or quests or tasks unless you have certain levels or necessary skills or sufficient training (you would simply die fast in those areas or would not be able to accomplish the tasks beyond your ability).

I have met beings that are far beyond my level, and when they passed, it was like I could do nothing but watch. I could witness if they would destroy this galaxy or not, and I could do absolutely nothing. No amount of meditation or praying would have helped. Taking a comparison from a video game, let's say you are a level 86 character, and then you suddenly face three entities who are on level 4000 and higher. It's not like you can do too much.

But at the same time, there's this galactic law or causal law of justice, and if you follow the right path or walk the Way or follow dharma and do good deeds, it will draw attention. And if you do good deeds in causal aspects as much as you can, it might be just enough for those beings to decide a little bit in your favor. Some of them have very high level of inner discernment, by this I mean, they have to weigh the inner justice of the situation and then make a decision based on that. It's like they are also following deep deep laws of the worlds.

Let's say there's a problem and then someone proposes a solution and works for it, then there are also those who come to check what has come out of it.

Also I did not transform all the stars, but I had done a lot of things in the causal and emotional levels in the past. And now these timelines of the causal worlds met, and much of the deep aspects of the stars around me were purified. I would say that say deeds of crime met deeds of love, devotion and courage. I had prepared for this and in a way I had done this before (Viswaamitra), but now it was happening more on a subconscious level and more effortlessly.

It was simply that at this location there were not too many beings present at the right dimensional levels to heal this, but I was there intentionally and had kept the field as pure as I could. It was a very intense period for me, much of these energies were unknown to me and/or I could not communicate too well, not to interfere with the normal evolution of me and the people.

Yes in a way I am from a far ancestors of yours, I believe far far thru the grandmother line. And thru the father line and male lines there are the game masters. And yes we need to fix this areas of the game, but it needs to be done respectfully to the local evolution, by this I mean we always need to maintain a sense of good taste or esthetics. You cannot interrupt too much if the interruption would be ugly.

And even if the people or the beings have chosen a pathway that looks ugly or boring, it has to be respected, because it is their choice of evolution. Especially if you are a stranger to the place, you cannot simply enter a new area and then start to change everything. I still do not know too much about the locals for example.

So I am as careful as I can and have been mostly working in the shadow so far. There's no need to become a "celebrity" or famous, we should simply do our work. We are simply responsible for different areas of the grand game, and you cannot say that a guy who is taking care of broken dimensional gateways is better than a mother who is cooking food for her children.

Also I do not like the term "ego", for me it has a negative signal. I would simply refer to it as personal existance or individuality. But yes, in a way there are higher-level beings who are more evolved than us, but this is a very natural thing. Also there are those who are in another place in their evolution. But this is nothing to brag about or over-react, and I personally believe that all of us are in the place that we currently are for a reason. Let's say there's a really dark and boring entity, or a being who has a very low self-confidence and only follows what others tell him. But both of them are always evolving to some direction on a different individual pace. And they can find their true purpose over and over again, as the situation changes.

Much love and I hope this clarified it a bit :)

reede, 3. juuni 2016

What caused the crash and what to do about it

From my point of view, the crash happened because you used too much technology. I tend to believe that you used more technology that would have been harmonious to your natural evolution. What do I mean by this?

When you look around in the world nowadays, one of the first things you probably notice, are cars. There are a lot of them on the streets and they are making much noise. However, my question is: are the cars in tune to the natural environment?

You can easily see that they cause:

1) noise damage
2) air pollution
3) lot of unnecessary waste and misuse of natural resources

So then, why don't we stop it?

I think that we don't stop it because we got too attached to advanced technology in the ancient times. I like this comparison a lot: a young boy stealing his father's car and crashing it. In this example, they boy is unaware of the technology that he is using, it is beyond his level. That's why it crashes, it gets out of control, because the driver is not on a proper level of handling it.

I think that many of us nowadays who use cars and smartphones do it too much. I think that it is not in sychronization for our harmonious highest purpose. To me it seems very out of balance, lots of technology used by unaware beings and almost no spiritual development.

What to do then?

1) First thing: reduce the amount of technology you are using as much as possible. Especially cars!

If you drive a car to get from point A to point B, use a public transport instead, or even better, use a bicycle, kick-scooter or walk. It is very important that we reduce this attachment to the technology that crashed, in my opinion. Otherwise we are emotionally very stuck in the machines, and this is not a good thing for the nature and our dear Mother Earth.

2) Hug a tree. Restore the connection to the trees. They are sentient beings and in a way much wiser than us, they provide peace, they want to provide it. If you cut them, you make the forest spirits very angry, and believe me, you would not want a payback from that direction.

3) Go to the nature and walk peacefully. In this way you send a clear signal to the trees and our dear mother: you are coming unarmed and are willing to make peace with nature once again. You can then be assisted and guided if you are open to the gentle spirits of the nature and seaside and lakes.

If you have successfully made peace with our Mother again, then you could slowly start to re-use the technology in a harmonious way. But first make peace. Many of us are also here on Earth without permission (such as robbers, gold diggers etc), so you also need to re-ask permission again. For this you need to make peace with Earth. Otherwise the forest spirits are still very angry with you, this is a very important point. Stop cutting. I cannot overemphasize this enough.

Peace and love, and if any questions, please ask.


kolmapäev, 1. juuni 2016

Putting some ideas up for you

I want to go next ->
but then I face this with my feeling center and lower areas of throat:
"Damaged blockages are to be avoided by the feeling center (and/or any female) and throat, because they would hurt you." (or create a sense of uncomfortability)
(Like swirling, uncontrollable parts of an ancient machine, that had damaged millions, these part still flew by.)
Feminine centers: 3,5 (feeling center, throat for singing (I can channel down soft nature hawaian-like tribes and Romanian areas and much more)) (waitaho?onoriho?)
also 11!
I have had direct contact thru drumming and singing.
So when you drop a bomb to a highly feminine area, what it does with the intention of damaging it, it will cause distrubance and the natural harmony will be lost. This is a big thing and it is not something to take too softly or talk about it as if it was not a big thing. When you do big damage to beautiful unaware or softer and lighter beings, it is like you DID something. It is not that it never happened or wtf. You cannot escape by the cars.
I had this vision, the tree was attacked (spiritual high-level tree for switching the dimensions, probably a portal in the ancient times) by a red-black storm (which they stole from a red-black peace areas.). This happed during atlantis times and was one of the major factors that caused a weird fall and infiltration, also the schoolhouse was ripped out and heavily damaged.
MANY IMPORTANT TIMELINES were removed from the collective consciousness, such as
1) the true star heritage of many beings (by bombing the leylines? and blocking access from 8th and 10th by male technology)
2) past 13,000 years of this planet, I believe that they did many bombings after each yuga, also improper alchemy, such as burning and dumping water and misuse of electricity
3) nuclear bombing to hide galactic past history, this is very horrible and a dead-trap.
4) but we managed to restore it to a certain point.
Proposed timelines instead from above to fix a certain PUSHY areas and to maximalize ??
Discover your true feminine people
OK this was just some ideas I put up to develop further rapport. I really like this entity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvaD11b2dbE
ok love and light for the end and may we be happy well, peaceful and at ease
all will be amazed (restored) and I hold the keys to the last falls
the safest place to store something is deep deep in your heart and soul (emotional memories and soul memories)