I would like to say that there are also so-called "hidden dimensions" or portals that you don't see, some of them are very secret and open up only when there's a great need. You can only access them if you put yourself up there fully, usually you need to pass a tough test first and be truly yourself. By this I mean that you need to use your potential fully and then go beyond it; and your heart needs to be very pure, usually some aspect of the divine female is testing this.
I would also like to say that when you do intense spiritual practices such as yoga, and dedicate a lot of time to it, you start to descend into the depths of your own inner being or soul. In this way you will also become more aware of the causal aspects of the worlds that you live in. Then you also start to see that you have a choice and ability to do things on a deeper level. The more that you are connected with your soul or the inner essence, the more deeper level your actions will be. This is a very simple way to put it, but you also need to develop certain skills to use for certain tasks.
In a way I like the example of the MMORPG called Runescape a lot, in that game the character can develop many skills and later use them in different situations. Also in that game you cannot access some areas or quests or tasks unless you have certain levels or necessary skills or sufficient training (you would simply die fast in those areas or would not be able to accomplish the tasks beyond your ability).
I have met beings that are far beyond my level, and when they passed, it was like I could do nothing but watch. I could witness if they would destroy this galaxy or not, and I could do absolutely nothing. No amount of meditation or praying would have helped. Taking a comparison from a video game, let's say you are a level 86 character, and then you suddenly face three entities who are on level 4000 and higher. It's not like you can do too much.
But at the same time, there's this galactic law or causal law of justice, and if you follow the right path or walk the Way or follow dharma and do good deeds, it will draw attention. And if you do good deeds in causal aspects as much as you can, it might be just enough for those beings to decide a little bit in your favor. Some of them have very high level of inner discernment, by this I mean, they have to weigh the inner justice of the situation and then make a decision based on that. It's like they are also following deep deep laws of the worlds.
Let's say there's a problem and then someone proposes a solution and works for it, then there are also those who come to check what has come out of it.
Also I did not transform all the stars, but I had done a lot of things in the causal and emotional levels in the past. And now these timelines of the causal worlds met, and much of the deep aspects of the stars around me were purified. I would say that say deeds of crime met deeds of love, devotion and courage. I had prepared for this and in a way I had done this before (Viswaamitra), but now it was happening more on a subconscious level and more effortlessly.
It was simply that at this location there were not too many beings present at the right dimensional levels to heal this, but I was there intentionally and had kept the field as pure as I could. It was a very intense period for me, much of these energies were unknown to me and/or I could not communicate too well, not to interfere with the normal evolution of me and the people.
Yes in a way I am from a far ancestors of yours, I believe far far thru the grandmother line. And thru the father line and male lines there are the game masters. And yes we need to fix this areas of the game, but it needs to be done respectfully to the local evolution, by this I mean we always need to maintain a sense of good taste or esthetics. You cannot interrupt too much if the interruption would be ugly.
And even if the people or the beings have chosen a pathway that looks ugly or boring, it has to be respected, because it is their choice of evolution. Especially if you are a stranger to the place, you cannot simply enter a new area and then start to change everything. I still do not know too much about the locals for example.
So I am as careful as I can and have been mostly working in the shadow so far. There's no need to become a "celebrity" or famous, we should simply do our work. We are simply responsible for different areas of the grand game, and you cannot say that a guy who is taking care of broken dimensional gateways is better than a mother who is cooking food for her children.
Also I do not like the term "ego", for me it has a negative signal. I
would simply refer to it as personal existance or individuality. But yes, in a way there are higher-level beings who are more evolved than us, but this is a very natural thing. Also there are those who are in another place in their evolution. But this is nothing to brag about or over-react, and I personally believe that all of us are in the place that we currently are for a reason. Let's say there's a really dark and boring entity, or a being who has a very low self-confidence and only follows what others tell him. But both of them are always evolving to some direction on a different individual pace. And they can find their true purpose over and over again, as the situation changes.
Much love and I hope this clarified it a bit :)
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