laupäev, 16. jaanuar 2016

Koostöö Suryaga // Working together with Surya

Ma mäletan, et esimest korda, kui ma püüdsin Suryat Om Shiva restoranist tabada, ei läinud mul see korda. Neil on seal mitu Om Shiva restorani ja esimene, kuhu ma sattusin oli rohkem seal järve lähedal ja ilusa aiaga restorani tagaosas. See aga polnud see õige Om Shiva ja kui ma küsisin, et kas keegi on seal Suryat näinud, siis nad ütlesid ei.

Siis hiljem, kui ma leidsin selle õige Om Shiva üles, polnud Suryat samuti seal ja kohalik teenindaja ütles, et ta oli umbes tund aega tagasi ära läinud. Hiljem mul siiski õnnestus Suryaga kokku saada, ja ma mäletan, et see toimus just nimelt seal pitsarestoranis.

Pushkari pitsarestoran Om Shiva asus just tänavanurga peal, küllaltki kärarikkas paigas siiski - huvitav valik Surya poolt, arvestades tema rahuarmastust - ja kui tagant trepist üles läksid, möödudes ukse taha pargitud rollereist või mõnest juhuslikust jalgrattast, võisidki edasi minnes sattuda kõigepealt trepikojas asuvasse WC-sse, või pöördel jätkates ja edasi trepist üles minnes jõudsidki õigesse kohta: ilusa vanaaegse pitsaahjuga restorani.

Mul tuleb vist juba vaikselt meelde, kuidas see oli. Ta istus seljaga minu poole vanaaegse puidust laua taga ja luges vist mõnda inglise ajalehte - need ikka jõuavad sinna teinekord. Tal oli seal restoranis eristaatus: ta oli neile juba kõvasti võlgu, aga lubas arved hiljem ära maksta. Ta oli seda vist juba varem teinud, nii et mingil määral tal seal krediiti oli. Igaljuhul ta sõi seal vist enam-vähem iga kord tasuta, s.t. ilma maksmata, ja need võlad kogunesid talle arve peale.

Üks eriline lisaväärtus selle kõige juures oli veel see, et just nimelt selles restoranis võis saada munaga pitsat. Üldiselt on Pushkaris kui pühas linnas munad, liha ja alkohol keelatud et säiliks kohalik kõrgem vibratsioon ning neid käiakse mõni km linnast väljas söömas või salaja sisse toomas (olen isegi küllalt sealsetel katustel õlut nautinud ja vahel harva ka kangemat, aga sellest hiljem).

Tal oli hea meel mind näha ja ta küsis kohe, et mida ma süüa tahan, ja tõi mulle seda munaga pitsat, mida mujalt polnud saada. Ja siis saime hakata ka asjast rääkima.

Nagu juba eelmises postituses mainitud, soovis ta teada saada, mida turistid kohalikust linnapildist arvavad, ja mida saaks selle juures paremaks muuta. Ma siis kohe ütlesin, et kuule, need preestrid seal järve ääres käivad ikka täiega närvidele. Ta naeris ja sattus hoogu ja hakkas seletama, et jah, neil on seal oma terve maffiasüsteem, ja et preestrid on üks rikkam kast ja et põhimõtteliselt kogu raha on nende käes. Ja et neil olevat veel omavaheline rivaalitsemine ja et neid ei ole üldse nii kerge sealt välja süüa.

Tema omalt poolt pakkus välja, et alustaks kampaaniat Clean Pushkar (Pushkar Puhtaks). Mina olin päri, ja ütlesin, et see oleks päris hea idee. Ta oli näinud, kuidas kohalikud koolilapsed tegid suuri rongkäike, hoides plakateid: ei narkootikumidele, ei alkoholile, ei suitsetamisele, ja ta pakkus välja, et võiks sama teha linna puhastamise eesmärgil ja tänavad oleks vaja rämpsust puhtaks saada.

Ta küsis ka, et kas ma saaksin teda aidata arvuti kasutamisel. Tal olevat vaja nimelt mõned e-mailid Prantsusmaa ülikoolituttavale saata, kes saaks teda aidata suuremat sorti prügise olukorra lahendamisel. Ja et kas ma saaksin internetist ehk otsida prügipresside kohta, või et mida mujal maailmas plastikuga peale hakatakse. Teda häiris, et see praht voolab vabalt tänavatele ja järvevette.


I remember, that first time when I tried to catch Surya from Om Shiva pizzeria, I was not successful. They have several Om Shiva restaurants there and the first one that I approached, was more near to the lake with a beautiful garden in the back yard. But this was not the right Om Shiva and when I asked if anyone has seen Surya there, they said no.

Then later, when I found the right Om Shiva, Surya was not there either and the local waiter said that he had left around an hour ago. Later I still managed to meet Surya and I remember that it took place in that specific pizza restaurant.

The pizza restaurant Om Shiva of Pushkar was located on a corner of a street, in a rather noisy area - a rather interesting choice from Surya, regarding his love for peaceful atmospheres - and when you went up and inside from the backstairs, passing the few motorollers parked behind the door, or a random bicycle, you could first face the toilet inbetween the staircases, or, when continuing upstairs, you would finally arrive to the right place: a beautiful restaurant with a old pizza oven.

I think that I am slowly about to remember, how it was. I first saw his back, sitting at an old wooden table and probably reading an English newspaper - they somehow arrive at those places sometimes. He had a special status in that pizzeria: he had already a lot of debt to them, but promised to pay it later. I think that he had already done it before, he must have had some credit there. At least almost every time he seemed to eat freely there, that is, without paying, and those debts went straight to his billing papers, that the waiter was accomplishing.

One special extra feature in that restaurant was that you could have and enjoy a pizza with eggs there. Overall it is forbidden in the holy Pushkar to use eggs, meat or alcohol to keep the vibrations up. So they go and eat them few kms outside of the town or smuggle them in secretly (I have also enjoyed quite a few beers at those rooftops and seldom some stronger stuff as well, but about this I will tell later).

He was glad to see me and he instantly asked what do I wish to eat, and then he brought me this pizza with eggs, that was not so easy to get. And then we could start to talk.

As I mentioned in the previous post, he wished to know right away, what do the tourists think about the situation in town, and how could we make it better. I then said to him: hey, these priests at the lake are really getting on my nerves. He laughed a bit and got enthusiastic about it and started to explain, that yes, they have a whole new mafia system there and that the priests are one of the richest casta, and that they have basically all the money. And that they are also fighting each other among them and that it would be not so easy to get them out of there.

He suggested by himself that we should start a campaign Clean Pushkar. I was ok with that and said that it would be a good idea. He had seen the local schoolchildren making big processions, holding posters that said: no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking; and he offered that we could to the same with the intention to cleanse the city and that the streets should be cleaned from the trash.

He also asked if I can help him with computer. He would need to send some e-mails to his French college contact, who could help him with this issue of large amount of rubbish. He asked if it was possible to find some intel about trash crushers from the internet, or what are they doing with the plastics elsewhere in the world. He was disturbed that the trash was freely flowing onto the streets and into the lake.

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