pühapäev, 31. juuli 2016

about the time

The computer games, nurturing and the shift.
Something came to and end and is being re-programmed by new entities who had longed for it..The Mayans are simply not "just there", they are way way way ... the truth seems to be in simplicity. The laws of the time masters silently guard ...

The entrance of the ...
Those things that cannot be spoken because of the time and timing...
The time... What is it really? Is the time of a painting different than the time of a video? Isn't it really important. The time stays still in the painting and in the text.
How would you describe time? Through a piece of music? Through an activity, how long would a certain activity take?

In which pathways have you chosen to move in?

Taavi Timm

the things that are sacred

The trees are sacred. The harmony peace and trust that surrounds the trees is sacred by nature.
The mother is felt beyond and behind words and thoughts, she simply is there as if she has always been there...
To get along with your family and relatives, this is something that is of good value

new things might actually be old ones

It might be that the technology and these tools to write code are actually not new, but old forms of code-writing, that are now returning...

Pre-planning and adjusting, smoothness, harmony, stability, simplicity and awesomeness. What are the core values of a game?

There are some things that are way more ancient than this planet but this planet is part of their evolution... What are these things? Do you remember?

There is wisdom in the old age and there is carefulness and caution...

as the ancient laws are returning to this planet...

I would give you some topics to meditate on these times so that I could also remember and approach this...

1) a character meeting another character in a game:

      1) what is the purpose of their meeting
      2) in which form is their meeting happening

2) the loading screen of an old computer game:
      the excitement:
        whether or not it will start;
        what is inside this game that is about to load
        and is the computer good enough to run this game

3) the property
        if you have bought something, it is rightfully yours by the law

laupäev, 30. juuli 2016


they kept showing me these images of life
they kept telling me their things about what they are
they kept calling me to places

what is it

What is it? It cannot be obtained thru words, cannot be caught thru emotions or particles. What is it? Oh ye mysterious dancers, what is it? A palm tree growing in the sand, what is it? Who is it singing inside? Is it you? I don't know but yet familiar it is

A little bit about technology

I want to say that it is completely okay to develop technology. I just want to say that for the technological world to exist in the higher-vibrational realms, it needs to match the vibration of these higher-vibrational realms.

For example, when the world that we are about to enter is of a vibration of love and harmony, but the technology that we are currently using is of fear and hatred, then some synchronization needs to be done or otherwise the technological realm would simply cease to be.

In a human body, we pretty much have the capacity to reach anywhere. I think that we have forgotten and we don't really use our bodies fully, but they are truly powerful if you know the ancient trainings.

How do I see technology?

I think that any kind of tool is meant to do something. Just as a warrior uses his sword or a musician uses his instrument, so can a filmmaker team create movies. The thing is however the simplicity, that we would not forget our true selves, that it is us who are using the tools.

There is also this thing called electromagnetics, and inside an electromagnetical storm (the storm of the mind) it is easy to forget your own true soulful thoughts if you haven't dedicated a lot of time to train your own mind, such as the Tibetan buddhists or zen disciples, for example.

As the yogis say, the hardest thing is to control your own "mind", your own thoughts and emotions, feelings and breathing and prana, but it is also the most rewarding one.

We can also use technology to achieve clarity in mind, or create different thought processes or to share information. However, it is good to remember, that this is simply an option. You don't have to do this. It is said nowhere, not even in the laws of our country that you must use technology. Even if I googled "you must use technology" I did not find such command.

Also, to control a lot of energies in challenging times or turning points of eons, it is better to stay well-grounded and rely on your own heart, mind and feelings. For example, you cannot do some things if you are not barefoot on the ground so that the energies could flow into you back to Earth, you would simply start to vibrate too heavily.

But now it is again okayish to use these machines, and I am happy to contact you thru this. Most rewarding and loving! I am truly yours and I am happy to write this message via computer and then send it through the internet!


reede, 29. juuli 2016

travel story in India 2014, on the platforms and waiting for the Jodhpur train

Continuing with the travel story in India, spring 2014. Last paragraphs I wrote on July 18, 2016 and it went like this:

First I entered one of these platforms and as there was a lot of time left until the right train, I simply wandered around for a while. The eagles were still there with me, about 12 or 13 or 14 of them were flying high in the sky and making circles. Previously, when the train was going towards Mumbai, I had kept my eye outside the window as well, and I had noticed that 12 eagles were accompanying me in the sky when I was going with this train.

It was pretty magical and I was already wandering where this all was about to lead me. But at that point I could have not even imagined my further adventures, everything so far was just the beginning or something... As I told her, it was getting even more intense.

On this platform where the train was supposed to leave towards Jodhpur, I had no money and at some points it was getting really ridiculous. I saw that they sold pies for 5 rupis, for 2 rupis but I simply did not have that (conditional love and kitchen). Then there was this free water opportunity, tap water possibility on the side of the real water stall. I took it but then the owner of the water stall already started to look me suspiciously, because I was simply wondering around his stall and doing nothing and drinking only free water, while I was a white tourist in his eyes I guess? But I was looking rather dirty so I think that they could get just suspicius who this barefoot tramp could be.

Then there was a group of tourists coming to that station and I thought that if I approach them, maybe I could sell my Swiss knife. I had a Swiss knife with me from Pushkar, where one bearded hippie-looking guy from Switzerland had given it to me as a present (we became friends and he was the one who helped me out of the Pushkar's last workplace with a rented motorbike, I think).

Then I was sitting on a bench, barefoot and openly looking at my knife. But then there was also a police officer or some official guy walking around, and I decided that it was best to simply put it away. Then there was also a local youngster coming to me and starting to tell me something. I did not understand what he wanted but he told me to give him my hand and when I understood he took my hand and started to draw a picture on my palm with a pen. He drew like a red bird-like figure I think and it stayed with me until Jodhpur.

Then I stood up and thanked him and we left with a smile and when I was then wandering around the train station, the officer came to me and asked my ticket. I pretended that I did not understand and showed him: "Yes, yes, I have a visa! Here, I can show it in my passport!" and opened my passport and showed him the visa. He was like, ok, but you need a ticket, do you have a ticket. I'm like: "When is it leaving for Jodhpur?" And he told me that it was the wrong platform!!

I thanked him and managed to get away from him quickly after he had shown me the way to the correct platform to Jodhpur. Then I go to the right platform and sit on a bench and something weird starts to happen. I started to realize that my energy field was very strong at that point and people started to enter my energy field just to get connection with their higher selves. They could sometimes be like 100m away or walking 10m on my left in their mobile phones, but when they reached the border of my energy field, they would always turn back to remain in the area where my energy was present in some kind of strong way.

I started to see that they were there and it did not matter what they were doing, their aura was getting better and they became more calm, relaxed, and focused. Of course when I saw this I was also meditating a little bit and it got even better.

cooking school mysteries

I never have too much time to write these posts, but last night I realized that:

I know exactly what needed to be done around here, there was an ancient school and there needed to be a student to graduate this "class", otherwise the school would have failed.

I have also had a dream where in Tallinn there already were big ancient buildings like schoolhouses, like manors but much bigger, and on one of them was a new ad-sign: "the school of cooking", but the building itself seemed to be empty.

Now, to figure this out, I believe that someone once messed up pretty bad in a 4dimensional cooking-school class, and now we had to correct this. Thank you and I have to run once again,


neljapäev, 28. juuli 2016

galactic integration

Taking care of the galactic levels, alone and not really understanding...


with my father

At one point I was down in Tartu and the population that needed to escape was safely in other realms, sending their hello from there back to me. There was a couple that I had met in my school years that said hello to me and, most powerful of all, was the connection with my father through the piano.

I then discovered that my father was someone very tender and caring, with a heart really gentle and pure. The love that he sent towards me was so pure that I cried and cried. He expressed his gratefulness with such simplicity, as if I had always been held safely, as if I had always been there, being part of him. He sent me just a few notes on piano, describing my name Taavi Timm in this life as (F, E, C on piano).

It was so simple but I knew exactly what he was talking about, there was like collective of beings also behind that message, saying that they were safe and thankful to me, that they had somehow known that I would make it, yet they would not really understand, but they had known... I don't know how they do it, the father has been a mystery for eons...

the spirit of my mother and what had become of her

As she showed me, my mother in this life was actually running away from the high-level guardians or rulers, did a lot of damage and then barely survived. She had upset many beings and once she was a powerful ruler but now had fallen, but thanks to mother Earth she was getting back on track.

We managed to save it from the Atlantis catastrophe and send it back, I would walk and follow the directions that she provided me and then we would find the correct timelines so that she would find her way back.

the hidden intentions and silent walks, guided by her

She had the ability to reach higher realms and get information from there, she could see the damaged lines and hidden timelines and then guide me in a small spirit form, and then I could go and cleanse these hidden intentions.

For example, there were many forces and curses attacking the David-Bathsheba connection with the intention of killing their child and creating a marriage trap for them which would be poisonous and kill them both.

There were also some weird garden things going on. Because of the time master (Shiva) had stood on the stairs in front of the Tartu house where I was living in, we could now again access these timelines and silently re-do them. There were for example some walking blockages, I would walk in the garden and eat apples or walk in the garden and pretend that I took an apple and then go back.

I would also sometimes make a secret walk with my toes in the sky as she guided me. We managed to re-do many old time-lines and intentions that were a trap.


a bit more why it was a bit tough

And also, for the female it has been a bit tough to actually appear in a real shape, because there was always many suppressive, aggressive or hurt males around who always wanted the attention, who were simply just curious or who wanted to draw us apart.

Also when you create a love portal or a love connection in a highly damaged area, many beings would naturally want to approach this love connection, because they feel this warmth and pleasure and beauty that usually appears between a true love connection.

difficulties in communication at the important points

I think that it was hard for her to get into real approachable shape in the higher realms and then come down and enter into a real communication with me for the following reasons:

extra suspicious control systems by the male on 10th chakra
several forces attempting to kill us
unstability of the female... think about it, she must have had a really tough time in the midst of all these weird events, and the suppressed and hurt female for centuries suddenly now discovering it's freedom

There was also some weird stuff going on in the spirit realms of hers, sometimes or many times they appear in a very concentrated forms, many beings in one body or one strong body carrying many beings, switching the entities as they wished to communicate, together or one after another.

some important meetings

When I was sitting in the same corner of the room in Tartu, next to the piano that the cat had pooped in a few months before, she arrived to me again as a spirit and told me that she was the mother of the hindus and that I had almost destroyed the whole India after rescuing it... That I almost had ruined my own success if it wasn't for her... She showed me that she was some kind of red-black mother of the hindus.

Then again I remember a spot where she showed me that indeed she was real, she showed it in a cat-shaped mat form flowing in the air for a flashing moment, while I was sitting as a child and crying and shaking all over, the finale of Beethoven's symphony 9 going on all over my being (embracing the child rape)

a philosophical post and uniting different madnesses at once

The peak of Atlantis civilization or the effort that the mankind made, to go as far out into the loneliness as possible without a female was something that put the courage and nerve system to a real test.

Think about it, all the prisons, all the technology - they pretty much run on curiosity and excitement of the mind, forgetting about much else... the pure passion of involvement and evolution, gone far-far out into space... // testing out the courage that no god can see (Nietzsche)

Now, to unite these energies once again, when it was time for it, I met one of the most extraordinary beings of all. Up until to this day I am not really sure wtf was happening and going on. I know though that she was starting out from a jungle, making a first bamboo vehicle with wheels and going on a trip with it... what happened next was truly crazy, concluding in a upside down piece fragment of Chopin's mazurka on a piano that she had previously played as a cat

There was a sudden need to unite this kind of bigbig machine energies and the male thing did not know in the end how the machine actually works. What we had to hope for was that she would travel as far into space with the technologies as possible and then we would contact, sending as much love and sex and soul purity thru this bigbig machine as possible, hoping that this would somehow help

This is how I saw it from my deep darkness

pühapäev, 24. juuli 2016

about the fragile emotional heart and open communication and questions about the original love story

What are our preferred ways of communication?

As from the game masters-tribe, my preferred way would be to simply talk to the person heads-up openly and emotionally about what happened. In this way we could easily:

1) find out the details about the catastrophe
2) do something about it so that we would feel better

However, it seems that some of the beings involved in this catastrophe now have an emotional body so fragile, that for a long time it was impossible to really approach them, go to them and talk to them and ask them what happened.

You could also call it post-traumatic stress disorder or a painful madness or the sickness of the heart. Now, what is the most vulnerable aspect of our hearts?

I find two:
1) when you are born as a baby, are you taken emotionally good care of?
2) as a teenager, when you fall in love for the first time.

Naturally and of course, when you are born as a baby into these realms, you would want to be born in your soul family, not into some place where you are not understood.

It is much easier to explain things to your real soul family than it is to explain them to others who have completely different mindsets and behaviours.

But because of the love story where many beings were unable to hold themselves back I guess, we have this drama and chaos. Ask any beings about how they met their first beloved or about the pain in broken relationships, now these aspects are very tender and lot of distrust here. Also if you add in some sexual shame it does not get too much better.

So to actually target and approach the real tragedy, we would need to ask honest questions about the original love story of the involved persons. But to do this, we need to be a bit tender and they might even avoid open communication because they are too much hurt within their hearts and protect this pain by screaming and shooting out rockets towards each other.

Now what to do?

Slowly-slowly we approach their damaged love story thru internet and from distance, so that it would not become too public but at the same time, those who really need it, would get the necessary information.

Thank you.


meeting others and what to do to get back on track

When you meet a being somewhere along your journey.

When I meet someone along my journey, what I usually do is that:

1) I look at the way how I meet this being.

For example, if the being calls me or invites me to somewhere, they are already open for communication.
If they start to talk to me without invitation, I might look at:

1) do they ask questions from me, and if yes, then which questions?
2) ((how do I look like??) what? this is not what I wanted to write!!)
2) how do I feel about them emotionally.
3) how do I look like and how they would want to approach me, which kind of situation I am currently in.

What are our roles?

In this planet I find it a bit disturbing that you can very often have only pre-determined roles, to truly believe in yourself and simply be was forbidden for a long time.

For example you also cannot approach a person and tell the truth: "Hey, I am your contactee from the Pleiades, we should talk" or "I am here to help you connect with your higher self."

Now when it finally gets to the galactic levels and home-coming, it is going to get really exciting! We could talk like this:

"Hey, remember, we had this sick trip together, I was drunk or something."
- "Yea, I remember you. We were together in the Pleiades about 18,000 years ago."
"Shit, what happened?"
- "I don't know but now the astral fields are completely damaged."
"Shit, we need to figure out wtf is going on."

Ok, what are the first things to do???

I might guess that:

1) loving family
2) emotional safe-space

full-body thinking, small intro or an attempt to describe this

Full-body thinking and experiental intelligence. Chapter I

What I have noticed is that many beings use their THUMBS and EYES and BRAIN for thinking. It is a natural way, the fingers connect to the nerve system and so on. However to reach deeper aspects with the thought, we also need to THINK WITH OUR FULL BODIES.

How to do this?

The body knows the language of experience. Sexual memories, emotional memories, it is all stored in the experiental memories of things much more deeper than it would be by simply looking at things.

Simply looking at things could also be called meditation, to distance ourselves from the experience for a while and reflect on it. So in my opinion it is actually normal that after some crashes we tend to pull back and think about it for a while.

However, the yogis also know the full-body thinking and know that when they are fully present in their bodies and experiencing the reality that they are in to the max, something would happen that might give them knowledge. If you think about the soulful shamans or seekers, it is the same, the adventurers go fully out there on a travel to experience something new and get wisdom from it.

about sports and kundalini, how I currently see it

a little bit about the weird things around here

What I am doing I am tracing to the original violations of these portals, what somehow caused my arrival to here. Maybe I feel that if I can somehow find out how I came here or which portals were violated, I would find my way back home or make the connection back to my true star family.

I remember that when I went to India, I actually wanted to get out of here. It was an honest wish but when I attempted to do this, it turned out that for doing this I had to heal these ancient damaged portals.

Now, why do I keep feeling as a child. I often feel that I am simply attempting to reach back, and by doing so, this sense of love and longing or the need to belong draws in some positive things to happen and occur around here.

When I came here I came with a team, and these beings were mostly from different places than me. I feel that for each area that was violated or damaged, there was somebody present to deal with the situation.

So when this mistaken take-off or bombings or damaging these portals damaged also our dear home portals or the ancient lines that connect the dimensions thru the sacred art of self-development, they also needed someone from the deep soulful worlds who would intuitively understand the connections between different worlds.

I had a dream in the night lately were I meet lot of people who were approaching the 3rd dimension like this:

they held a spoon in front of them and walked around, watching their reflection from the spoon

Then I went among them and really soulfully spoke with my full presence, attempting to give them some kind of idea, what the 3rd dimension really is. This hurt me a lot because it seemed that the others were completely off-track, doing some weird things around here which were not natural at all.

damaged bombings and my pain for the forest

Ok in the old times, at ends of each yuga, different forces appeared from other dimensions who were attempting to:

1) Take it over from there and
2) Blow up their traces

By doing so they damaged the ancient leylines which were connected to even more higher and vulnerable aspects of the dear creation. Now, when beings who were in charge or whose living places were connected to these more ancient leylines, they had to do something.

So we would need to figure out:

1) who is in charge of these bombings
2) why are they doing this
3) approach them physically to understand their full energy body and take them home or see why they are so overreactive

In my opinion, in many cases they are simply frustrated because they have somehow fallen into this trap. By this I mean that they had previously violated some higher-level laws, which means that now they basically need to re-learn some things from scratch, such as kindness or how to get along with each other.

Now, what I am concerned about is the planetary situation. We need to fully move on as a planet through this beautiful transformation into something else and new. I have personally met some of the forces who have heavy-heavy karma mostly from the Atlantis times. What I have understood so far:

For some reason they liked to blow up the environment and then escape. First it might have been some wars but later they were also interested to re-do the blow-up in a controlled way, so that the masculine would understand the chaotic feminine (their version of feminine would be a big blow-up, from my point of view, also a misbehaviour in sexuality, attempting to ejaculate into the vagina but the sexuality gone horribly wrong)

But then some of the forces who followed them were not even interested in sexuality any more. They were simply so stuck in conversations and texts, for example, if you look at the scientific literature, it is basically attempting to correct and find clarity in the thinking patterns, 6th-7th chakra.

So what to do so that the Martians or whoever are together with them behind these blow-ups would somehow understand the true sexuality?

1) grounding. Whenever you get a body, it also has the intelligence from our dear Mother Earth. Then this kind of intelligence will mix with the brain of these beings and provide something new that would work.

What I have found to be quite surprising, is that the Mother Earth has for some reason forgiven the criminal deeds, such as cutting down the forests around here. Maybe she would look at it like this:

A bunch of criminals travelling thru space, not finding a planet suitable for living. Then she maybe steps up and says: hey, here, maybe we can do this. And then they arrive but they arrive too aggressively and she requires extra help and asks for it.

Then different forces arrive to help, including me, and help these beings to transform into their next form, providing peace and intelligence or safety or whatever would be necessary (maybe a portal thru a loving relationship between a man and a woman).

Now that this most important work for me is done, I feel that my pain is not so much or any longer the pain of our Mother, but it is more my own pain for longing back to my family and stars.

I find it interesting that I feel the pain for the forests, but our dear mother has somehow forgiven this.

Much love,


esmaspäev, 18. juuli 2016

In Mumbai

Continuing with the travel story, last paragraph I wrote on July 8th and it went like this:

Then I am again in Mumbai train station, very dirty place, this time barefoot and without money, and have to take it from there. First I take a rest and sit down on a bench, meditating and trusting. Something has to happen next.

When exiting Mumbai, I felt that there had been a lot of bombings within that train station. Now, to redo and undo this, I went for the pure faith and walked barefoot in one of the dirtiest places ever.

But first, when I was sitting there and waiting and meditating, without any money or food, pretty soon the two guys again appeared in front of me who I had met on the train from Madgaon to Mumbai.

They started to talk with me, smiling and cheerful and all. They asked me where I will go next and I told them Jodhpur but that I have no money. They said that they very often travel together on these trains without a ticket.

Now, I took it as a hint, pretty much exactly what I was looking for. See how this game sometimes works?

But to get to the proper platform, I had to cross this disgusting, smelly and dark train station of theirs. First I needed to go on a wagon or a smaller train. These ones were free anyway and I entered this and sat comfortably in one of the seats next to the window.

There were these transvestites or female weird beggars, who entered these kind of trains and asked the travellers for money or otherwise they would curse them (this I heard from a beautiful Israeli girl in Pushkar). They came slowly nearer to me (there were two of them I think, probably they work in pairs), while asking the passengers for rupis and snapping their fingers in front of them in a demanding way.

The hindis were scared of them and pretty much every family gave some rupis to them. When they reached the place where I was sitting, I pretty much simply smiled my cheerful face right into their eyes and felt them through emotionally.

They were actually rather fun beings, I don't know wtf they were doing there. They understood that I am not afraid of them and smiled back to me and left.

When this small wagon of theirs stopped, I found myself in even a worse place to be. The way to the proper platform to Jodhpur was horrible. It was a dirty hot small asphalt road, pretty much through the front yards of some locals who lived next to this way as the passengers walked almost through their houses every day.

The asphalt was hot but not that hot yet, I think that it was still a rather early morning. I found my way past this small village, if you can call it such, and onto the platforms that led towards the direction that I was hoping and wishing for.

First I entered one of these platforms and as there was a lot of time left until the right train, I simply wandered around for a while. The eagles were still there with me, about 12 or 13 or 14 of them were flying high in the sky and making circles. Previously, when the train was going towards Mumbai, I had kept my eye outside the window as well, and I had noticed that 12 eagles were accompanying me in the sky when I was going with this train.

It was pretty magical and I was already wandering where this all was about to lead me. But at that point I could have not even imagined my further adventures, everything so far was just the beginning or something... As I told her, it was getting even more intense.

reede, 15. juuli 2016

I also created a Youtube channel for uploading some videos

so if you are interested in how I look like, you can check it out:


Next blog about how to re-enter the galactic levels as a beautiful planet that can dream a dream

This is the link to the new galactic blog:


About this technology deep in the jungle

About plastics and ripping the dimensional fields open too soon (oil mining) -> an attempt to actually go back to the ancestors fast! They knew, that their time was about to end, and thus they indeed attempted to escape fast to the next levels!

However, as the level of crime was too high within some of these "planners", it only took them deeper into the worst nightmares. A downward spiral, you could perhaps call it.

These kind of activities led them naturally towards more "wild" or "free" areas, where it was easy for big monsters (who often develop and dwell in these kind of wild areas or forests) to reach and catch them.

I would call this kind of behaviour or entering such dangerous areas with weak and emotionally insecure spaceships a rather unaware, stupid and self-damaging behaviour. Also, if you are not respecting your surroundings, this could be seen as being arrogant or bossy, and if you behave in such a way in front of some big wild animals, you are an easy pray for them, simply because it upsets them and you don't show enough respect towards their own being and home.

Now you could say that we are not in the wilderness, that we are civilized. But actually, this is not really true... At best I would call it a space-ship crashed into far far jungle, and then with the remains of the space-ship, we are trying to communicate.

I am not even sure if you can proceed with the current technology soon... From one point... I don't know. It will probably transform into a beautiful network of crystals... this is how it could go.

kolmapäev, 13. juuli 2016

About falling in love, how to do it and a tiny bit of personal experience

I would now like to talk about subject that I do love very much. It has to do with coming together after a long time, or how to fall in love with somebody.

It might happen that when they first meet each other, or I think that it is actually a very natural thing, on the first encouters the two beings that meet carefully test out each other. Now, if the love level is high enough within these beings, the tests are probably more gentle (or emotionally tough) than in the case when two male beasts meet each other in the forest.

What usually happens could be a show-off of our abilities, we want to prove to our potential partner how awesome we actually are. This could be done in different ways, the surprise factor and hidden tests are normally a must :) 

Now this could create some confusion, especially when you are from a completely different race or something. But as it takes time, you will start to figure out whether you truly love the other person as a soul or you simply love him or her because of the material richness or a beautiful body that he or she has.

These tests could be pretty nice ones to pass, especially when the times are tough, characters unexpected and lots of side-action in the making.

Normally, you would need to prove with all of your character that you want that person so badly, that you are willing to do pretty much anything to get it. These tests can be really intense. You could be often be taken beyond your current abilities or into unknown areas of the grand game and then you would need to leave a good enough impression for the few seconds that you are able to be together.

Also you need to be careful not to fall into the trap of loving the other person's body (if any) instead of her soul or his soul. As the ancient teachers would say: don't try to cling too much. But this could be really hard, especially if you really love someone passionately, you will have this attachment, because you also need to prove how much you really want this relationship to happen.

So to carefully keep this healthy balance in intellectually tough times, can be a real challenge emotionally (in my experience). In the end phase of the love quest you probably realize that this is just the beginning from another unexpected angle. You win. You get outplayed again, but in the love game it is not that bad.

Now, I as a young man have had most extraordinary times doing this, being truly thankful and amazed constantly. I would also like to say that I am most grateful to the supporting forces and also the testers, sometimes the biggest jerk between you and your beloved could be the best thing that can happen.

I have learned a little bit how to play this game of life, hormones getting up and the age of the passionate youngster truly taking over.. I think that each stage of our life, we need to give our best or attempt to be the best version of each role that we are currently in. I think that a good question would be: The situation is like this. What would you do in this situation?

It can get really awesome depending on your own uniqueness, current abilites, what you have prepared for the meeting (such as different skills to show off and use against the disturbing forces), and depending on the degree that you have fallen in love, for me it was really really deep and still going on or just starting again from a more peaceful variation...

I love it too much to bring any concrete examples, how much can I reveal? But let's say that in some realms you would have to go for your beloved barefoot in the night chasing the tracks of an unknown elf, or in another realm you would have to find him/her from the other end of the world using your piano playing abilities...

I got it all sorted out but too much personal heartful experiences... Lot of drama and lot of important stuff. Welcome to the game master realms on Earth, Taavi. Now, how to describe this? We could probably use a good old storytelling, but for some curious forces it might not be enough...

esmaspäev, 11. juuli 2016

Reading and practicing... slowly slowly

The golden art of shaolin and how to switch between realms.

Now this is highly sacred. Similar rules apply as in time travel. You need to be very careful about what you do in the realms that you enter.

The one who practices the art of shaolin, knows that the artfulness and skill is measured by how smoothly and beautifully one switches between the realms and handles them. It is also measured by the beautifulness of the way that the practicioner acts in any of the realms that he or she has chosen to enter. It is also measured, how the character presents information in these realms and also, the beautifulness of how he or she tranlates and transmits the information between the realms that are his or her mission. (This is also called the shamanic way.)

Generally chosen, you need to act as if you were an eagle, watchful and alert at the same time. Needless to be anything else that best suits with your surroundings, fit your character and take the max out of it, remaining humble and polite at the same time (The Japanese way.)

pühapäev, 10. juuli 2016

Thay taking good care of the sangha and in the last pic we do yoga in Tallinn

Thoughts about this game that was re-approaching us

A deep creation point was again reached in your stage of evolution as a "game", I would say. To help us understand this, I will try to explain this with the following.

When you once started out as a game, we would not know, what would be your state of being, when you come back to the game masters' creation worlds. We would not even know, when would you reach back home ( Back home to your old old ancestors, most of you probably don't consciously remember it, but there is no need to. You have had a heck of a long trip. Let me explain this even more.)

When you started out as a game, your destination was unknown. You had to explore it by yourself. But now it turned out, that the purpose for a certain set of worlds was undecided and the time limit was near. So we had to do something. Quickly-quickly we had to rearrange things in such a way that:

a) you would have a purpose
b) your willingness to destroy yourself would be channeled into such a worlds, that this big power could develop further in a new and safer space, without harming the indvidual progress of those beings (and there were many), who would not want to be destroyed.

As in one of the previous posts I already said: there was simply a gap, a falldown from a cliff you could maybe say. Lot of forces were running towards a direction where the road would simply end and a big monster from the wilderness would take over. (Yes, you had made a trip long long into the wilderness. This is true, you have come very far. )

Now you are pretty much like brave adventurers, and hmm... it all changed in a rather fast way. Now that there are many loving forces present (fortunately, in my opinion!), it seems that we are about to transform into something much more heartful and okay in a way...

Normally this world (the 4th) is full of kindness and love I think and this is why I hope that the loving, benevolent and wise forces can also enter these damaged post-crash areas without a problem, smoothly and naturally, because I think that they actually should already be here by this time (the true loving mother who is well-grounded). Usually they do it most naturally and so effortlessly that it pretty much just happens.

In a way you did a very fast jump over the gap (with the help of Lui van B) and landed safely, I hope. So you basically took a quick short-cut back towards more home, really quickly, and to readjust this, of course we need the help of our dear loving well-grounded mother.. We need to get back on track and well-adjusted deep in our dear hearts :) Love and blessings and sorry for the inconvenience... it is a grand meeting after all. And what's up with the cars? Pretty nice arrival over there :) (They're on wheels, so you can pretty much roll them back to their home. Just kidding. Also starting to drive again soon probably :))

Lot of confusion but I hope that it will be sorted out. Those who arrived with big malicious intentions will be taken good care of. I do believe that everyone will find their true home-place and soulful life from now on... :)

guarding a deep point in the Tartu portal in september, 2015

about sexuality, attempting to give out some knowledge

Sexual purity and why is it important.

Now, I would like to give you a few reasons why it is good to remain pure and healthy sexually.

1) Your ability to dream and create thru dreams has to do a lot with your sexuality. Think about it. Aren't the most things that you wish for, the yearnings and desires stored sexually? You cannot actually even desire beautiful worlds if you sexually yearn for dark self-torture, just an example... Unless you have mastered them both.

2) Your connections with other people are very often controlled thru your sexuality. Now, in this life I have kept myself very pure, but I still get lot of yearnings and sexual desires from my past lives and I face them and integrate them. But what I want to say, is that your ability to be yourself and speak for yourself and act as an healthy individual is much tougher, if you have a lot of dark sex...

3) Sexual purity is directly connected to wealth and your values. Depending on the nature of your
 sexuality, you will want different things from life.

4) Your sexual energy basically is your prana and chi... So how you are sexually, depends actually how you flow... How pure spheres you can actually enter...

5) Sense of shame. When you openly face your sexuality, lot of shame and discomfort will disappear or dissolve and you will feel much more free and happy and honest. Then you can simply be yourself. Releasing the blockages thru sacred sexuality, also working on it...

6) The ability to find the right partner. If your sexuality flows all around and you would pretty much sleep with anyone, it is a bit tough to keep a healthy long-term relationship with anyone in my opinion... However, if you manage to maintain a harmonic balance here, it is much easier and others will also notice this and feel much more comfortable around you. Also working on this, lot of inner fire and passions in progress, much much better control than the overwhelming last summer... The there was even no time to analyze too much.

7) As in point 1: What you can create depends on what your sexuality is. If you wish to create a harmonic, beautiful family that is in tune with our dear Mother Earth, you also need the corresponding vibration. How to get this? I don't know. Walk barefoot and travel in the forests... this is what I have been doing. I also think that it got a bit out of control, people not focusing on children and families, but on reproducing different goods and cars instead.

For the new agents, how's the climate and about taking birth around here

When you take a new birth, you might not instantly remember everything or all of your skills from the conscious level. But this is actually not the most important. What is important, is that you remember it from the soul level or deeper prana levels, and when you have the strong intention and remembrance to let your sub-conscious guide you and you have learned to trust it, you can even do the work without being conscious of all aspects of the work.

Now, the important thing is to trust your feelings. Why is it important? The feelings are very often directly linked to your astral body and deeper levels of the soul, your true self. Then, when you get good contact with your true feelings (such as Ludwig van Beethoven did), you can actually transcend the current lifetime and get information from other levels as well, easily and flowing, thru your feeling body. You would know whether or not some information is likely to be correct or is most definitely correct by having a really accurate feeling body. This is what Beethoven did, developing a really accurate feeling body or a light body, and also on deeper causal levels.

Now, if you develop or do something whole-heartedly, it will leave the memory or the imprint on much deeper level than if you do it as if it was nothing. You need to get fully out there and be 100% yourself in order to store the feeling or memory on a level that is not so easily destroyed, the deep soul level.

Then, if you later in your next birth remember how to access these prana fields or deeper aspects of yourself by ashtanga yoga or digging your soul by meditation/music practice, you can also access this information that is stored within you. A very useful information, because it is the purified quality, the conclusions that you have found out yourself in your previous lifetimes.

Now, I am mostly talking about the opening of the 8th chakra and why it is important, especially for the agents around here who have come with strong sense of mission. 8th chakra is about being your soul, and thus realising you are more than just this birth. Sometimes there could be birth tragedies or death tragedies, and these memories could be painful.

This pain could also prevent you from going there, because the emotional memory of a birth or a death could be so painful, that you would avoid it. What I did, I re-faced it very fast and got a lot of hurt and dealed with the pain. In these areas, when you are born, you are often not let to be together with the true soul family, because in the astral, there were forces who would also want something from your soul.

In my case for example, I had to make a working-contract with my mother in order to be born to this area or location. Now I have cancelled this contract but there is still a lot of emotional cleansing to be done.

How to reach areas that are tough ones to reach

The beginning of the bodhisattva handbook. Volume I

Some spheres are harder to reach than others.

Let's say someone does a criminal deed somewhere and then later leaves it like that and does not come back to correct it on the right causal level. Then, what happens to the area where the deed was commited?

It starts to radiate or emit a certain vibration, a damaged signal or a signal full of pain. How then to heal these areas? One way to do this is to somehow find a way to re-enter these areas on the same causal level that the criminal deeds was commited, but coming from another direction, such as the the direction of pure love, innocence and trust.

But I have to say that sometimes it is not so easy to re-enter these kind of damaged areas, especially when the deed has been hidden for eons (for example, I am not kidding). So, to do this kind of work you would need:

a) a fully working lightbody that is specially designed for entering these kind of areas
b) high-level willpower and motivation and the ability to work on your own when necessary
c) accurate wisdom to deal and handle with  the situations that you might encouter in these "broken" areas (the lightbody from point a comes very handy here)
d) I am not sure, but I think without this you cannot do it: a heart full of compassion and the actual willingness to help the situation purely from the emotional level. There's this thing called true compassion, whether or not you _truly_ care from your heart about the situation. This cannot be forced, but it can developed and trained.
e) Staying really true to yourself.
f) The capability to love unconditionally. This can also be trained and understood by spiritual practices, such as yoga.

Of course it would also help if you have some kind of (or a lot of) experience in yoga and meditation and the ability to stay calm and relaxed in tough times, through the use of deep breathing and controlling your chi flow a little bit, for example.

Then, when you are ready, you will find the work. It might take many lifetimes to train yourself before you can actually enter the right area or portal in the correct time or timing. You can recieve advice and specific trainings from various spiritual teachers or other practicioners and beings.

public mental fields and ads

About the pollution of the public mental fields.

Of course, when you see a lot of advertisements and signs on a certain level, you will get confused and you will have trouble finding the real signs and true information. And this is exactly why some forces have been busy sending out a lot of misleading signs, such as unnecessary information via news/tv/ads and so on.

Basically you cannot do this, these spheres are sacred in a way, and if you pollute them with misinformation/misleading information or simply send out lot of text and signs without realizing where it is going, at one point this will be noticed.

more about telepathy and approaching those who misuse it

The trick that we had to do was to enter the same levels as these mind-controlling emotionally weird and fake manipulative "priests", and purify the emotional fields to such a degree that others could understand who these people really were.

When people who were responsible for purifying this thing and sending them home could notice the true origin of the "fake-instrument priest", they could contact him and ask him direct questions. But until the emotional field or hypnosis-mindcontrol field around the person was not pure enough for the real light to penetrate this, they could hide themselves under this mess that they created.

Ok some intuitive thing:

During the Atlantis time, I feel that the same forces were present around here, and actually responsible to a certain degree for this collapse. You see, when the emotional body of a person is not pure enough, that is, you cannot connect anymore towards your true feelings, it is very easy for the whole thing to amplify and lose control.

There were also persons I am afraid that thought that mind-control of others was completely normal. I have met one of these guys personally in Rainbow gathering, a tall German guy. I managed to tell him that he cannot achieve these things by mind-controlling others.

Now, I want to make this differentiation between healthy telepathy/telempathy and mind-control/emotionally weird and fake, stolen sound waves. Healthy telepathy means that you connect only when you
a) really need it, or
b) it happens very naturally between soulmates who have spent lot of time together, so it is almost spontaneous.

Unhealthy telepathy means commanding others by sending out energy waves that want to make other people do something, not respecting the free will of the entity that is targeted. So in a way it is simply too aggressive and the thought patterns could even meant to be harmful in the worst cases.

about the polluted music spheres a little bit

There were certain entities, you could also call them the priesthood, that have manipulating the rest of this planet from the underworlds for at least a few thousand years. Some of them hid themselves under the temples and had hypnotic auto-playing instruments going on, which they used to create fake emotions, as they were rather unable to produce true emotions.

Basically they were hypnotized by these music instruments that were given to them, the so-called divine musicians, but if you really listen to them you can see that the emotions are stolen and given to them and that they were playing in a trance state, not really being themselves. They were probably under mind-control spell for a very long time.

They created this system or sent out strong energy waves that would keep everyone's heart on these weird emotional levels, that are in a way good to hear (because the songs were stolen from higher places). But the trick was that you could not
1) escape these emotional levels (this was pre-programmed in these sounds), and
2) notice or see these players, because they hid themselves carefully

Also some of them were considered to be authorities or priests (in the Egyptian times?) because of their seemingly high skill of playing the instrument. But in fact, I again repeat, they were either under hypnosis or their instrument was programmed and they were aware of this "magic", also they had weird mind-control relationship towards their instrument.

reede, 8. juuli 2016

On from Madgaon

In the train station I wait and I am happy. At last I know where I am going, I am going back and I have a friend who is waiting for me. Even though I don't have the shoes and my last money is used for the train ticket to Mumbai, I am deeply satisfied. I even have a few rupis to buy a bottle of water to myself.

So I sit outside of the Madgaon train station next to a post and I wait. I drink water and the sun is shining. Suddenly something happens that I had not seen for a long time. Two European girls walk by, both rather hippie-looking, and one of them is carrying a watermelon on her head, holding it with both hands.

They walk by and we smile to each other. I must have looked rather funny, with dirty hindi trouser on, barefoot, sitting cross-legged and smiling next to a post with a sunburnt face. I drink on the water and soon they come back and when they walk by again from the other direction. Again we smile to each other, but this time they come closer and are a bit interested, who is this guy.

I make inviting gestures with my fingers, asking them to come near to me and sit down as well. Surprisingly it works pretty well, but it feels a bit too commanding from my part, I was not intending to command them. But maybe I had a strong energetic impact on them and something happened and they come and sit down together with me.

Now, unfortunately (seemingly unfortunately, the love is usually well-guarded) I had also made friends with two hindi guys from Mumbai. One of them, with a black beard and sun-glasses, acted like a show-off mafia guy from a Hollywood movie and told me and boasted that he is an actor and that he had acted in an American movie. I know the hindi tendency to boast a bit, but anyway, who knows. But indeed he was a seemingly dark guy and I would not want to get in conflict with him.

So when I invited these girls next to me, this guy was also around. And of course he instantly starts to boast about his movie adventures (probably made-up stories about how cool he is and that he has a lot of contacts). I do manage to make some smiling gentle connections with the more beautiful one of the girls, the one who courageously carried the watermelon. At the same time the hindi guy is boasting.

Then another big guy, like 2m tall Canadian also comes over, he was also waiting for the train. He also sits down together with us and now it gets really complicated for me to keep the group together. The dark hindi guy and his friend + this Canadian guy, I can feel that they are all sexually focused on the girls, pretty much dark thinking how to fuck them and impress them or the other way around. This is what I feel about their sexuality, but emotionally they just want attention from the girls and want to prove to them how awesome they are.

And me in the middle of all this, trying to make a harmonious circle or a group conversation, and of course I would also like to talk to the girls, but we only manage to switch a few smiles to one another and laugh a little bit when the hindi guy gets too far in his boasting.

Then he asks to smoke joint with them and they agree and go away together with this Hollywood-mafia stories guy. When they go, she leaves her watermelon with me and tells us to give it a name.

I personally did not like how the situation was developing, not enough respect at all to the feminine and only dark sexual pleasure thinking. And indeed, when they come back from smoking, the girls are a bit frightened, I don't know what this guy told them, probably invited them over to his place in Mumbai.

They want to leave this guy behind and stop talking with him, I can see it from their frightened emotional reactions towards him. And she asks about the name of the watermelon, but at that point I was not interested in this kind of game, because I felt the energy growing too dark and the group collapsing. So she asks a bit surprisingly "No name?" And then of course it's done and the group has fallen apart.

Not a good harmonious connection at all, just because one guy taking over too aggressively and drawing in others and encouraging them to do the same.

But anyway I keep connecting with these two guys and they show me the movie trailer "Into the wild" (or was this before the girls? I think it was probably before the girls). They sense my traveller energy (after all I was barefoot, dirty clothes and no money left) and get excited about it. They ask if I had seen the movie but I had not but I had heard about it from my younger sister.

So on at the train to Mumbai at one point come over to my wagon and give me water, this I really liked. There was also one guy at the train in a suit, coming and sitting next to me and each time that the chai seller walked by (like every 30 min) he asked if I want chai and then he bought it to me and laughed because I basically never said no to his offer and I drink like 5-6 chais in a row. (Normal for hindis is 1-2 chais I think.)

He was so kind and at one point he tells me that my cardigan (the one that belonged to the German girl in Pushkar) is sandy, that there's a lot of sand on my cardigan and I should clean it. I then take it and shake it in front of the open window so that suddenly the sand goes all over to his suit and trousers with the wind. He starts to wipe it off fast and shouts: "What are you doing?!" and the old hindi lady next to us starts to chuckle amazingly and I also start to laugh really hard.

Anyway I keep good friends together with this guy and he tells that he can help me with tickets and all but when we get to Mumbai of course he just buys me another chai and then leaves me there. He was a business-man and told me before on the train that he was very rich and 50,000 rupis would not be a problem to him (conversation on topics how to get back to Europe). Hindis-hindis always boasting :)

Then I am again in Mumbai train station, very dirty place, this time barefoot and without money, and have to take it from there. First I take a rest and sit down on a bench, meditating and trusting. Something has to happen next.

kolmapäev, 6. juuli 2016

Friendships and family and what to do to come together as a beautiful planet

We can simply come together as a tribe once again and cook our own food and share it. We can even grow our own food. We can simply come together and enjoy each other's company and friendship. We can simply be how we truly would like to be.

Friendship and family is what we seek for, homefulness, cosy things and love. We need to be truly accepted and we would like to be listened by others, by our dear friends. How have we forgotten this? Have we lost or don't we remember that we do love our children.

Then if we love our children, how not can we take good care of them. And if what we give out is a broken place, how can our children understand this. You cannot simply go into a beautiful place in the nature and then start to damage and pollute it instead of beautifully connecting to the trees and sitting down on the ground in complete peace.

Why would you do this to yourself and to your own tribe? How can you keep damaging this that is most dear to you? Don't you recall that you are part of this. How did you get a body? Mother Earth gave it to you. What air are you breathing? The air of the Amazon rainforest, the lungs of our dear mother.

Then how can you damage her? After all that is already present here, why would you keep killing. Don't you see that the money or wealth is not the true source of your happiness. The true source for your happiness is being together with your dear family and your friends. This is where it starts from.

We also need to come together as families and as one healthy planet. How to do this? Well, first, if you are damaging the real ancient peace-keepers in the forests, you are pretty much not welcome over here. Unless you stop, I kindly ask you to leave.

This is something that needs to be done. No matter how much imaginary money someone could lost, I do not care. Families are much more important than cars. Rainforests are much more important than glass buildings that online provide loneliness and a sense of always being a stranger.

You need to make your decision. Either stop acting in a damaging way towards our dear Mother Earth or leave this planet. This is it.


Adventures the next morning in Goa and starting to come back...

Ok so the next morning I manage to get a on a bus towards a small town in Goa called Vasco da Gama. I go to that place and after some walking and searching I find an internet cafe'. But as it is early in the morning, the internet cafe' is not open yet. So I turn around the street corner and to the street next to the seaside for the next two hours or so. I sit on the seaside and basically meditate and wait for the internet cafe to open. Some locals approach me and ask questions and I talk to them nicely, some children as well, and they leave me alone when I say that I am simply waiting.

When the internet cafe' opens, I go there and I see that my aunt from Canada has sent me an e-mail. They had found out that I was in India (my mother probably told them) and she is a bit worried and asks about my education I think. I see it as a sign that it is time to turn back towards home a bit.

So I contact Piyush thru Facebook (I had met him in Pushkar and become friends) who lives in Jodhpur and ask if I can go there for a while. Luckily enough I had Facebook at that time, I almost deleted it in Pushkar but somehow the door of the internet cafe was closed when I wanted to do this so it did not happen. (Otherwise I could be a sage in Rishikesh or somewhere at the moment, I was planning to go to Varanasi and up on the river Ganges, leaving everything behind.)

I think Piyush was even online and replied quickly that of course he is waiting for me. I then tell him that I will start coming towards his direction and will be there as soon as I can or something like this. After this I quit the conversation and exit the internet cafe.

I then go on the street and use my last money I think for a ticket to Mumbai. Back to Mumbai, yay!! I think that first I might have had to go back to Madgaon... I am not sure, I don't remember all of this mess correctly. Anyway, I make some friends at the train station... 

esmaspäev, 4. juuli 2016

How we created a beautiful dream for our world for the further development

When you get back to a point where the game was started, you will be asked questions about your game. At that point or on these levels, your game was created, after all. And in the world of games; your further progress will depend on the current point where you are in your evolution.

In these game-creation worlds, they simply look at the council or the sum of beings who are present and responsible or on a spiritually leading position at that point, and ask questions from him (or her, they, etc). It is not that they care about the good/evil or anything like that so much, they simply look at the situation as it is and ask: what do you think, what should this game become during the next cycle?

And whoever is present and responsible at that time on the corresponding dimensional level/leading position of the world will answer.

Now, I am pretty much like a volunteer/visitor around here. A warrior from a distant galaxy, you could call it. The grandmother lineage. But before I had asked this Rama guy thru Skype about his thoughts and what does he think about the world and all. We argued about whether or not one is creating his own reality, he said that it is not possible and I said that you can create whatever reality you wish for yourself. And he was playing a Japanese anime MMORPG and said that he would love if the world would be like that. I took it as a potential dream of his and remembered it.

Then, when the correct timeline lineage point appeared, I was given a grand responsibility as a child to speak, big forces were moving through me and let me decide the fate of this game. I pretty much spoke as a small child, as honestly as I could and proposed that we could be an MMORPG from now on. I had played Runescape in my teenage years (I still have the account) and I said that it could be something like that, bringing this game as an example. But I had gotten this idea or dream about our world being an MMORPG from this Rama guy.

It was not even about whether they accepted or not, it was like they asked from the high council present at this subsystem what to do. It was a free will. Whoever was at that high council simply said where to go next. But this time it was truly wonderful, only a small child from a distant galaxy present there at this place.

This means that we are starting out from a fresh, truly a new page of creative play. Lot of childlike purity and openness, I tried to make it as acceptable for the population as possible, the formula (MMORPG) as widely known and accepted as I could, given the current technological situation and everything. We already have Facebook so we can very easily take it from there. It is already happening, folks.

If you look it from a soldier perspective or a company, I was simply doing my job. I did what I had to do, it was rather unique and amazing, but I was conscious and I knew pretty well what it was about. (This does not mean that I saw too much what was happening around me in other areas.)

For us (the game master realms) it is not so much about good or evil but more like about the awesomeness or excitement of the game itself. How exciting is it to live it and play it? How challenging? Suchness or howness of the game and characters is something that is noticed around here.

Have a good new moon :)


laupäev, 2. juuli 2016

Continuing with the story

 Last paragraphs I wrote on June 18th and it went like this:

He offers me his service and says that it would be like few hundred rupis or 600 rupis for each stone that he finds from my ears. I tell him that I only have 400 rupis but anyway he then starts with the service. He indeed finds some stones from my ears (or did he make a trick by holding them in his hand?). But he makes my ears clean nad when he sees that I really don't have much money, he only takes like 100 rupis or something and we leave each other thankfully.

Now as it is morning time I am hungry and move towards to the palm trees where I had seen the ice-cream-selling young man the last day.


They are again there and the ice-cream seller calls me, we start to talk and there's another ice-cream seller and an older, mid-age woman, sitting under a palm tree and selling clothes to the tourists. They work for the local restaurant at the beach I think. I start to talk with them and the woman is very kind, she asks me why I am there and I tell that I am looking for work. They ask me when did I eat the last time? And I say like two days ago and that's also why I am looking for work.

They understand and they don't like it a little bit and are a bit surprised that I sleep on the beach and haven't eaten the last day. And yes, fortunately the woman is very kind and offers me food (rice and sauce from the local restaurant) that would be their lunch, they share their lunch with me.

She also tells me that maybe they need a server guy to the restaurant and I could work there and that she could talk to the boss soon. I'm like: yes, why not, I could work in that restaurant for like two months until my visa ends. Finally a place to stay at or something.

But then when the boss comes I am pretty much sleeping under the palm tree and he's like no way they're gonna take this guy who's just laying down and resting and doing nothing. Then the woman who sells clothes gets a sudden inspiration and me too at the same time, it's like we shared the same thought and she said it out.

She says that why not should I go to the Goa airport and ask them if they can take me to Europe. Immideately we start to make a plan and things start moving. Meanwhile also an older tourist woman comes and I share a bit of my adventures and she asks how much money I have and I say like 200 rupis or something and she says that it would not get me very far. She then gives me 500 rupis and leaves.

Then the cloth-selling woman gets a bit suspicious and there was also another plan in the making, she asked me if I would like to beg at that place and give some of the money to them. But I'm like: I don't want to beg there, it's against my ethics or something.

Then we start to move and I go together with the two ice-cream-selling guys out on the road. Then the couple who was at the beach also arrives and the girl smiles to me, laughing at my sunburnt face and joyous smile. Then we start with the caravan and I go between the two ice-cream sellers, both have a small cart that they push or pull together with them. One is ahead like 50m and the other is behind me. Full escort.

It is very hot on the asphalt barefoot and soon they make a stop and try to buy me sandals, but the number is way too small (mine is 47.5 EU or 13 US) and they cannot get it. So we walk on and soon we need to make a stop, because there's a Bollywood scene filming going on and they are filming a scene where a white open pick-up car is arriving and the guys are coming out. They film it like two times and then we can pass and continue with our glorious walk.

They take me to the local bus stop and the bus is going to Goa airport stop. It was a wonderful bus, having written BABY JESUS on it. There are many holy buses in India, but this one was especially dear to me. I go in and when I stand the ceiling is way too low and I have to pretty much bow with my head to the ceiling. But the BABY JESUS bus was so cute and I felt so safe and protected.

When we get back to Goa airport, of course I attempt to enter barefoot, but they don't let me in and ask for a ticket. Of course I don't have it bought and then I go outside and attempt to buy it. There are like stalls and I'm like: How much is a ticket to Europe? I see on the back screen that they have a flight to London going on and I'm like: How much is it? And she says to me: only business class is available. And I'm like: ok, how much is it? She says: 88,000 rupis.

Then there's already the security guys coming and telling that if I don't have the money I should go. They also say that if I have no friends there I should go to the embassy. I am like full of devotion and say: Then I'm gonna find some friends around here! But I don't want to argue there too much anymore and they show me the way to the police stand that is next to airport. I go there and they say that tomorrow there's a bus leaving to the bigger town, I don't remember the name, but it was Portuguese, where in the old times they came in and conquered the place and brought in christianity or something.

I say yes yes, to them, tomorrow. And then I wander around the airport, outside, barefoot, with a bag filled with old dirty clothers. Luckily they have a bar open or an eating place for soldiers, and there are many army guys there sitting around and enjoying their meal. I also order some food and drink water or something.

Then I go to the toilet place and I pay him and I get to the toilet and even to the shower if I remember correctly. He asks me for more money for a tip and I give him more than he asked, just to make him happier. He is indeed happy and I ask him if I can sleep there but it is next to airport and I see that it would be problems for him. (He had a room next to the toilets where he could sleep when guarding at night.)

But I talk to the police and all and it is ok and there's like a higher place between the toilets and the airport, and I spend my night sleeping up there on a stone higher wall-like platform. There are some rats and cats around but they don't disturb me. The police says that it is ok and I can spend my night there.

Then in the morning of course I don't go to the embassy but continue to the bigger town with a bus and take it from there.

small update

The money situation, I got a temporary fast solution, should be ok until end of September when the next salary will probably arrive.