reede, 28. september 2018

Võsalõikajate karistusmääri rangestati

Inimene murdis pajupuult tüki. Enam ei saa me teda usaldada. Nägin hiljuti ühte tüüpi kurni mängimas. Selle eest nahutus.

Mõned joogid on ohtlikud. Harjutavad siseruumides, kummist mattidel. Ka nemad lagastavad, reostavad meie kallist ja hinnalist loodust.

Palju jääb Päikesesüsteemist välja. Seda ei tohi praegu näha olla. Valitsus keelab muuhulgas ka narkootikumide tarbimist.

Onu ihkab stabiilset, turvalist rongisõitu. Enam ei tohi. Rail Balticule tuli lausa atentaat teha.

//keelatud teemad
//riigisisesed tabud
//biolaev, Andromeeda

teisipäev, 25. september 2018

Sobilik koht peatumiseks

Rühkisime mööda mäekülge edasi. Ei külm tuul ega tuli teinud meile haiget. Eemal terendas väikene koopasuu saabujatega.
"Tere," lausus koopasuu serval konutav vanem meesterahvas.
"Tulime niihästi kui oskasime."

Tema panipaigas oli veel mitu asja. Kitsad viled, trummid, nahktagi. Viletsad kitsede poolt äranäritud kondid vedelesid hoolimatult ta jalgade ees.

Tagapool oli ilmselt veel olijaid, ent esialgu saime tutvuda ainult selle härrasmehega.
"Millal te siis Mehhiko range režiimiga haiglast põgenesite?"
"Oh, tean seda paika hästi."

Õnneks oli veel õngetina ja saime edasi minna, ei pidanud nälga kartma. Kitsas koobas jäi koos inetu vanamehega õige pea kaugele seljataha.

Mäekülg laskus veidi allapoole, avastasime end nõlvaku tuulepoolsemast osast. Siin olid taimed kuidagi sitkemad ja saime neile toetudes allapoole vänderdada.

Oru põhjas voolaski jõgi, ent kalu siin kohe kindlasti polnud. Avasime hoopis seljakotis peituva õlle, mida vanamehele poleks olnud sünnis näidata.

Tiibade vuhisedes lendas üle meie peade õige lähedalt keegi suur kull. Puude vahelt nägime, kuhusuunas oru põhi edasi läks.

laupäev, 15. september 2018

4D timeline shift

4th-dimensional council will interfere. The old timelines no longer accepted. Will do our own thing.

Got permission from female. You are in our 4D space for a while. It is huge compared to your previous one. Soon you will get back to your own normal rhytm.

You were like secretly taken as a whole in years 2013-2016. The 4D simply shifted to new frequency. The galaxy had to change the frequency.

The new one is a bit male at the beginning because it was done by a male. It can be compared to a huge interesting world in a computer game. It will get more female as we enter the Planetary Heart.

Have fun. Your Royal visits always welcome :)

No need to keep me in council

"As the refugees continue, we still refuse to open our hearts. No matter what, this has to be the filling."

  - BraInfIntService

"The main council is still evacuated. No need to discuss other politics any further."

  - Tibet

"No matter how you feel, you can choose the subject."

  - Paya

"Any questions need to be re-evaluated by Pachamama herself, for she can hold the collective vibration well enough and provide togetherness."

  - GammaRaySoulful Beings of Light

"People of soulful dhamma can now make the contact with upper beings of light. It's hard to love someone if you don't know how it is."

   - Personal Recommend

"People who are hiding something or someone but secretly wish to openly share, you are most welcome."

   - Pacha

reede, 14. september 2018

bitter truth

Cross-bound from human society
only the shadow believes itself.
And I shall not cast a vow
until it happens itself.

The rain analyses itself deeply,
thus forecasts the wind.
The people are numerous,
yet they are here.

What are you doing
on this topless mountain?
The shadow has not yet passed.
Can you believe a life
without itself?

It feels how it tastes
but we never get it.
What is it?
It has to be some kind of aroma.

The vows have been mysteries for eons
- how can you now say it directly?
The people you know have been bad to you
- how can you read their behaviour?

What else is the life
but bitter sarcasm
of forbidden movements
Can you even turn the time in your favor?
You moron.

Noone else but you can do this.
Sheer is your white like teeth

Kukkus mööda

Jäi magama lumine mäng
Kutsu ta uuesti
Kui ta ärkab

Võimalust ära kasuta
Kui ei usu

Tahtejõud ei torma
Üksluisesse sohu pea kunagi
Vaid harva
Ootab ta uuesti sooserval
Pean mõistust silmas
Ja seda kummalist tunnet

Su heli ei vaiki
Ei mõista
Ma pööran lehte

Mõned raamatud lihtsalt ajavad laulma

Kaitseväes kukkus meil see suur telk kord kokku koos ahjuga. Tuli küll ei põlenud aga siiski. Jäin rahulikult magamiskotti edasi. Teised juba naersid, et see jah juba midagi ette ei võta. Alles siis tulin välja

neljapäev, 13. september 2018

Foreign woman

They could feel your way of help, as if you had posted something important about them. While in fact it was their own system attempting to correct itself back and found it's way.

When the ceremony was finished, the casual attitude was still with him, in the very same room. In a brown sweater he sat and moved comfortably, as if he knew his own room very well and was used to it.

There were still a few people missing, and a few whose help was either not sufficient or consisting of weird and unregular, somewhat stupid advice. Yet it was felt they could do what they did.

As you know me, I wrote this story. If you feel somewhat connected to it, it has to do with that room, ok? The ceremony was still closing itself as the evening continued.

The moon rose behind the window and started to sing it's tune. It was seen as a black mist thru the shady clouds, sometimes following the moon, sometimes layering upon it with the wind.

The clouds were shaking in disgust as te treetops started to move in even heavier wind. It was dark outside.

"Now it's my turn, " said the young woman. She took the dice, rolled it and threw. Number 6.

It was still late in the night and we were laughing. Somebody opened the window and cold air was then blowing in.

As if the weather dictated the evening, I had to play piano to it. As usual, I found myself alone in the room, the memories of others gone with them, they had run out into the night.

The correct shape was the dream, the nap under the piano which I now took. Yet someone was now standing at the door, and the small light was on in the kitchen corner.

She was an important woman. She could not come further from the doorway. I wanted to sleep but she just stood there, and the small light was on.

"Hello. Please go away," I said.
"No, I won't," said she.

The drum started to speak. "Once upon a time in the rainforest, she was not there. She would like to meet you."
"She's a foreigner and I don't like her," I replied.

The weather! Now it started to rain.
"I wish the younger woman was back," I said.
"No." Said the important woman on the doorway.
She turned her towards the direction of me and told something in her own language which I could not understand.

I let her wait in the half-dark room and she is still there. I attempt to sleep in the corner under the piano. I felt it would protect my vibration.

"Maybe in the morning I can escape" I thought.
"Sure," said the woman. "Go out. The door is there." And she pointed to the door.

The weather was raining. I felt how bad it must be for me in her opinion. I needed to have a bad experience cause she felt I must have a bad experience. The rain was cold indeed.

Finally I came back.
"What a stupid mother," I told her.
There was white light between us that absorbed me. She couldn't help but to cancel all of this.


kolmapäev, 12. september 2018

A letter of gratitude

Thank you for accepting the war that has happened. There was a big war. We are just beginning to realize the sacredness of mother nature.

Thank you for helping with the shade. It was hard for us to reach the state of immediate joyful co-operation. Thank you for helping us to find a place to live in.

We are now harmoniously shifting towards Mother Earth and the nature, without war but with some doubts about how we will manage. It has been a shade for many of us during the recent collapse (Soviet Union, Cold War, 1990).

It has been predicted that a certain paradigm would come through anyway, even though there has been so many advices and understandings about how to block it. It is the force of the mother.

The natural feeling will harmoniously restore itself. We are not meant to be war heroes, we have just been cleansing an area that has been temporarily targeted by warzones and missiles.

We miss the true homeward connection, don't we? The war is temporary, it will pass. The law of love and union of the galactic true mother goddess will shine thru. We are currently accepting the beings who fought in those dark areas.

The master of timelines has been introduced to those who are still playing poker. They were happy to see him as one of them. Similar to sacred ceremony, poker too will teach you the rules how to give and how to get, what to go after.

We are introducing the very few lines of a grand opening and a beginning, something that is successful beyond our reach. Without doubt they have called in the highest level of trust. We accept the current state of the planet. It is ok to live this way we currently do.

Thank you and have a wonderful visits and beings around you.


laupäev, 8. september 2018


I wake up in my father's library. Even though it has been home for us for about the last 30 years, it truly is a library. All of the four rooms are filled with books on the walls.

Looks like we have a visitor. Let us in! - is the new book asking. To include this information with safe enough thought to put it into use without destruction, a careful skill is needed.

The last 20 years I have been searching thru the library. I put the children dreams into practice from boyhood. I followed the love stories for teenagers and youngsters. And now I suddenly find myself ordering new books to this library.

Growing up among these books.. we have felt safe among dreams. Whenever an insecurity is rising, something we have read will fill the spot with a similar enough storyline for us to understand.

Well the great danger is this new books I'm ordering. Some of them I have managed to hide or give away, but they keep coming. This is not the stuff anyone else would read. This information is prohibited for them.

I myself am the censor and allow through what I wish. However, I am limiting the ability this way. I keep the purpose hidden, for the flow to strike without being noticed. Smoothly will they get what they deserve.

esmaspäev, 3. september 2018


Why do you think she doesn't love you? She always does. Wherever you are on Earth in this grand cosmos, she will take care of you.

Why do I hear music near you?
I was just playing this MMORPG and they keep me on track.

laupäev, 1. september 2018

Not safe

It was asked: What is the current location of the population? What is the true vibration of mankind or species "human" on Planet Earth, Milky Way?

Many people claim it is 3d. Such as volleyball team, a tennis match, warheads, or people watching TV.

There are also people who claim it is 3d going to 4d. They do dance parties, ceremonies, singing to help.

Then there are those who know 4d so well they only keep to 3d just to make the transition smoother.

Why in isolation? This is a very important subject. Sacred timelines cannot be disturbed without your own permission from both the Feeling Center and the Heart (chakras 3,4).

How to approach a person or a group? By reading their current vibration and choosing the best match you can to them.

She will post about it

There's a conspiracy that each and every one of you is held safe on this planet by Mother Earth herself. There's a conspiracy going on, a suspicion.

She's traveling, you know, in the cosmos, among many other beautiful stars and planets. There's a conspiracy that Mother Earth is being held safe.

She will carry the people of Earth. You can sense the steps of this cautious planet, who has indeed being hiding herself in the midst of this grand jungle.

Think about these old dark green pyramids in the jungle in South America. The Mayan pyramids. There's like heavy jungle around and then these old pyramids fitting perfectly with the nature.

It is a mystery
We are indeed being very well held
The grand cosmos